Progress Report on project to recreate Ivatt diesel-electric No. 10000

Picture of Roger Smith


Progress Report on project to recreate Ivatt diesel-electric No. 10000


Picture of Roger Smith


Progress by the IDRS
Progress by the IDRS // Credit: IDRS

The Ivatt Diesel Recreation Project has issued its latest update on progress to create a replica of LMS Ivatt diesel-electric No. 10000.

A number of electrical parts recovered from Class 56 No. 56104 have been donated to the project by GBRF and delivered by ProgressRail. Also, a large number of useful lockers that have been donated by Ruddington have received the full LMS10000 treatment.

10000 partly stripped 56 cubicle
Partly stripped Class 56 cubicle. // Credit: Ivatt Diesel Recereation Project

The project has two cubicles, one each from Class 56 56104 and one from Class 58 58022, and will use parts from each, but will use the frame from 58022 as its profile is suitable for fitting within the D16/1 body envelope.

The electrical team has set up a working area at the rear of the workshop, and has stripped both cubicles. Ex-DB control cards have also been catalogued and will be refurbished for use.

56104 Cubicle

Work on 56104’s cubicle has included removing the Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs), Ammeter, Shunt, Pressure Transducer, Q-tron module, Capacitor Module, Selector Switches and wirewound resistor panels, power contactors, power cabling, busbars, door microswitches, and a diode and heatsink.

10000 resistor bank panel, close up and in the 56 cubicle.
Resistor bank panel, close up and in the Class 56 cubicle. // Credit: Ivatt Diesel Recereation Project

Most of the items removed appear to be serviceable and will be reconditioned during the coming next few weeks, but the power cabling will be scrapped and placed in the copper scrap box.

Before anything is disposed of the project will look to see if anything can be salvaged, which will allow it to be sold to provide revenue for the charity.

All cables have been released from the enclosure, but the team will either need to saw through them or undo the terminal rails. A few cables that were not in the main looms have been removed, and the team has also found some extra parts hidden away including surge arrestors, a capacitor board, a door microswitch, and six interior lights on brackets.

The reverser has also been disconnected and, by removing a rear panel, it has been removed, slid out on to a pallet truck, and stored alongside the other reverser.

58022 Cubicle

The Class 58 cubicle wiring diagrams have been assessed and a matrix of the wiring connections drawn up ready for checking the installed wiring to see whether it can be reused or whether it needs a total rewiring.

Progress on the class 58 cubicle includes removing all relays so they can be overhauled and removing all external wiring for scrap.

After production of a new wiring schedule, the next task will be to bell out all of the cubicle’s internal wiring and apply identification labels, as the existing labels are all missing or illegible. The project is discussing with suppliers to to whether it can obtain a deal on the estimated 10,000 labels that will be needed for the cubicle and the rest of the locomotive wiring.

10000 relays from the 58s cubicle
Relays from the Class 58 cubicle. // Credit: Ivatt Diesel Recereation Project

Current work includes listing every device and wire within the cubicle, which has highlighted that there are a few extra wires that are not on the official documents; these are mainly loops from one terminal to another on a device. A number of devices have also been found that do not have an identity title or name on the official drawings, so they have been allocated a temporary name to identify undefined units that have been added to the diagrams. In total there are 1,295 wire terminations used in the cubicle.


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