GB Railfreight (GBRf), a major rail freight provider in the country, has commenced the running of a second daily service connecting the Port of Felixstowe and Widnes.
The introduction of this new service is a response to the substantial demand for GBRf’s initial service that started in October 2023.
GBRf will now operate five extra trains weekly, increasing the total services between Felixstowe and Widnes to eleven trains per week.
These additional services are expected to reduce approximately 500 HGV movements on the UK’s roads every week, easing congestion, reducing emissions and enhancing road safety.
Just this year, GB Railfreight has already transported over 100,000 containers via the Port of Felixstowe.
This new intermodal freight train is the third latest to commence by GB Railfreight this year, with additional new trains already running from the south coast to the midlands and from London Gateway to Yorkshire.

“We’re delighted to be introducing this new service with Stobarts doubling the volume we move between Felixstowe and Widnes. Having already moved 100k boxes in and out of the Port of Felixstowe in 2024, we are pushing hard to double this by the end of the year.”
Julie Garn, Head of Intermodal at GB Railfreight
“We are delighted to accept another GB Railfreight service from the Port of Felixstowe into Stobart Ports Widnes. This further enhances our existing rail schedule to over 50 rail services per week, encouraging the modal switch to rail. With our Widnes site being ETSF and AFSO accredited, this also supports final mile and storage solutions to compliment the rail services.”
Sean French, Managing Director at Stobart Ports
“We welcome this new service by GB Railfreight to Widnes. We have invested heavily to make Felixstowe the busiest intermodal rail freight facility in the UK and support the increased use of rail as an effective way of cutting supply chain emissions.”
Robert Ashton, Chief Operating Officer at Port of Felixstowe
This is putting more small hauliers to the wall. Company’s like stobbart reduce the price that far then once they got foot in the door inflate prices.
Stobarts went under several years ago! The big boy Mr Mueller of Meuller dairies now owns them (and Culina, Warren’s etc al)
Do these travel via the North London line?
They may do and then onto the already busy WCML, hence my comment about Ely. If the route across East Anglia was improved, more freight could be taken off the roads and the WCML. These are the issues that need the attention of the new transport minister, rather than endless discussions over restructuring the industry yet again.
Which route do these trains take?
The sooner Ely North Jn is remodelled, the better as it should permit further trains like this to be run.