40ft rail artwork unveiled at Kidderminster Main Line station

Picture of Mark Wilson


40ft rail artwork unveiled at Kidderminster Main Line station


Picture of Mark Wilson


The completed artwork, showing 4930 'Hagley Hall' and one of the SVR's heritage carriages. - ALAN CORFIELD
The completed artwork, showing 4930 'Hagley Hall' and one of the SVR's heritage carriages. // Credit: Alan Cornfield

A 46-foot-long, solid steel artwork representing the ‘s Flagship locomotive No.4930 ‘ Hall’, now stands under the road bridge on one of the platforms at ‘s main line station. This installation is the culmination of years of planning and perseverance by Sue Langley.

Sue, from , established the Wyre Forest & District u3a Station Adopters group in 2021. Alongside her team, she embarked on enhancing Kidderminster station, maintaining the gardens, and collaborating with local heritage sites to convey the town’s storied past to travellers.

‘When we started out on this adventure we really had no idea how far we could take things, or where we’d end up. We thought we might be looking after a few planters, or something like that, but we soon spotted the opportunity to show just what the u3A can achieve when it puts its mind to it! We’re a national movement, with the motto “learn, laugh, live”.’

Sue Langley
Leader adopter Sue Langley has been the driving force behind making this project happen. - JOHN OATES
Leader adopter Sue Langley has been the driving force behind making this project happen. // Credit: John Oates

Sue believed the Severn Valley Railway ought to be integral to the heritage interpretation project of the Adoption Group.

With her grandfather having been a steam engine driver for British Railways and with her own experience as an SVR volunteer, she understood the line’s significance to the community. Consequently, she reached out to the SVR.

‘As soon as Sue got in touch, I knew this was a fantastic idea. We wanted to get right behind this, and commissioned our designer, Marcin Wisniewski, to come up with a scheme that featured our flagship locomotive, 4930 ‘Hagley Hall’. The end result really is absolutely stunning, and it’s a huge credit to Sue and all the members of the Adoption Group, who’ve worked so hard to make this happen.’

Lesley Carr, the SVR’s head of communications.

Smethwick-based AJS Profiles was selected by The Station Adopters to undertake parts of the work which utilised precision equipment to create the design in six distinct pieces.

The company also co-funded the production costs, a contribution that Sue describes as tremendously helpful.

Part of the artwork being cut at AJS in Smethwick. - SUE LANGLEY
Part of the artwork being cut at AJS in Smethwick. // Credit: Sue Langley

‘This was such a boost for us, as we needed to find funding for the production and installation. We also received a donation in memory of a Kidderminster man, Andrew Davie, who sadly died in 2021. Without these kind contributions, we couldn’t have completed this project.’

Sue Langley

The heritage railway artwork enhances the Station Adopters’ various initiatives, such as displays from the Museum of Carpet and exhibits from other historically significant sites in the area.

A creatively repurposed boat planter represents Kidderminster’s partnership with Husum, a German fishing town. Additionally, volunteers have beautified the extensive sloped bank at the station’s entrance with vibrant plants, herbs available for the public to pick, and a bug hotel that provides shelter for dormant insects.

This summer is turning into a season of people turning their hands to and prompting artworks, with the unveiling of school children’s tiled work at Prestbury, Avanti’s promotion to visit 12 artworks across the UK & a Hampshire Railway running Art classes and Exhibitions .


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