Jail for “confused” rail passenger found with £160,000 of Cannabis in Cheshire

Picture of Michael Holden


Jail for “confused” rail passenger found with £160,000 of Cannabis in Cheshire


Picture of Michael Holden


Jian-Hong Chen
Jian-Hong Chen // Credit: BTP

Back in February, the stopped a confused and lost looking rail passenger at station.

Jian-Hong Chen told officers that he was going on holiday to Edinburgh but did not know the lock code to his suitcase, which he told officers had his clothes in.

When searched, the case was found to contain a large laundry bag that contained vacuum packed cannabis packages with a street value of £160,000.

Jian-Hong pleaded guilty at Chester Crown Court and was sentenced to a year in jail on Wednesday 27th March.

“Our County Lines Taskforce operate everywhere and anywhere on the rail network. Many of these patrols are covert enabling our highly skilled officers to observe and approach anyone acting in a suspicious manner.

“These specialist units work every day 24/7 to disrupt criminality and drugs networks that use the railway to transport their illicit commodities.

“If you spot anything that seems suspicious as you travel on the railway, please report it to us by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40.”

Investigating officer DC Karen Jennings


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