Six university students across a number of northern universities have become involved in a biodiversity project.
The students have been spending a year in industry with Northern and started the project at stations along the Bentham Line.
They worked with Brian Howarth, who works with the Community Rail Partnership (CRP) and local schools to increase insect and pollinator presence through habitat creation at three stations and schools.
Volunteers from the Friends of Bentham Station, along with the students, created insect habitats by recycling wood pallets that were donated by Angus Fire.
They also talked with pupils about suitable materials they could collect or make for their own insect habitat.
Lesson plans were also created for pupils in year one and two to help educate them about the importance of biodiversity and how they can help improve the local areas environment.
Most recently, the students visited Gargrave C. of E. Primary School and spent time with the pupils on indoor and outdoor activities, giving one of the two habitats created, with the other placed at Gargrave Station.

Previous year in industry students with Northern have taken part in community projects along the line. including stakeholder engagement and environment and infrastructure change.
“As well as looking at ecological and educational issues, the project has helped the students understand how Community Rail integrates with the local communities that the Bentham Line serves.”
Gerald Townson, Chairman of the CRP