‘Shocking’ CCTV footage released of Worcestershire level crossing misuse ahead of Easter travel

Picture of Michael Holden


‘Shocking’ CCTV footage released of Worcestershire level crossing misuse ahead of Easter travel


Picture of Michael Holden


van damaging level crossing barrier March 24
Van damaging level crossing barrier March 24 // Credit: Network Rail

has today released CCTV footage from level crossings in and the showing pedestrians and drivers putting their lives at risk by forcing their way through barriers.

All of the incidents shown in the took place in March 2024 and are just a handful of examples of behaviour from across the region.

In the last 12 months, there have been 225 reported cases of misuse, with 27 of these incidents classed as ‘near misses’.

Network Rail says it has seen an increase in the incidents during the run up to the Easter holiday with a large number of them involving children and young people.

In the video, a van can be seen ignoring the crossing lights and ripping down the barriers and dragging it across the level crossing.

Also in Worcestershire, a pedestrian forced their way through the closed barriers, and finally, in the West Midlands, a car ignores the signals to quickly dodge the closing barriers to get to the other side.

Network Rail have announced that they are holding crossing safety awareness days on the following days:

  • 2 April 2024 – Charlemont Road footpath crossing in West Bromwich
  • 15 April 24 – Bicester London Road
  • 21 May 24 – Stoke Mandeville (No 17) in Aylesbury
  • 18 June 24 – Henwick in Worcester

“There’s never any excuse for the kind of reckless behaviour you see in this video. Many people, especially young people, fail to understand the danger they put themselves and others in when they make the choice to ignore the safety rules.

“Typically we see incidents of misuse and acts of crime rise in April due to the better weather and lighter nights, and I’d like to use this video as a reminder to anyone who uses level crossings to do so safely.

“No matter how well you think you know a crossing, all users must obey the rules around using level crossings every time they use it. It just really isn’t worth the risk.”

Natalie Stretton, head of operational risk for Network Rail’s Central route


  1. Although two weeks ago, with so many vertical poles around each set of level crossings, surely a camera system with anpr recording could be added. at about 3 metres above ground level. The existing cameras are only suitable for line blockages by road vehicles. If supermarkets can do this why not NR. It does not have to be a live system ,but recording the last 48 hours for example.

  2. The safety awareness days won’t work with those inclined to risk it. Surely CCTV can record the registration plates of the guilty ones and then just take the licences from people like that van driver.

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