New Okehampton station plans take a step forward

Picture of Glyn Mon Hughes


New Okehampton station plans take a step forward


Picture of Glyn Mon Hughes


Autumn Update
Autumn Update // Credit: Dartmoor Line

Plans to open a £15m new station on the east side of have moved forward.

Devon County Council commissioned the engineering company WSP to carry out a number of surveys during the summer and autumn months.  These looked at environmental, ecological and topographical issues relating to the proposed West Transport Hub.

The surveys are critical and will inform the design of the station as well as taking into consideration the environmental mitigation which could be required. Surveys can only be carried out at certain times of the year and WSP needed to be especially flexible to ensure opportunities were not lost.

Potential protected species which may be present include dormice, bats, badgers, great crested newts, grass snakes and slow worms. As a result of the Dartmoor Line project, it is already known that dormice are present in the area.

has been leading the station design and carried out a minimal viable project workshop to ensure the planning includes minimum requirements to meet the objectives of the project. Extensive consultations have taken place between the designer and contractor in order to develop the scope of the design and ensuring that Project SPEED and PACE are embraced.  The core values of the project are to halve the time taken to deliver the project and to cut the cost of its delivery to ensure customers receive a better service.

A careful review of documents and survey information as well as negotiating the price with the contractor is ensuring that efficiencies may be achieved.  This could be through the combination of  engineering stage three (single option design), stage four (approval in principle) and stage five (construction-ready).  This will give the project the best chance of delivering to the challenging timescales.

The opened on 20 November 2021 and was the first line reinstated under the Department for Transport ‘Restoring Your Railway’ initiative.  Trains run between Okehamopton, Crediton and Exeter St David’s, with most services also calling at Exeter Central.  The new West Devon Transport Hub will be located between Okehampton and Crediton.


  1. Went there once with Taw Valley what a lovely station, unless they are going to relay the main line back Plymouth and it becomes a major station then I can’t see a reason for changing it, what are they going to build a platform with a bus shelter on it.
    There is plenty of land nearby to build a car park if they want to turn it into a park and ride.
    I am up for a repeat of Taw Valley returning any taker’s?

  2. Cannot understand that the railways were built into the country side all that time ago..and now they are rethinking of opening the line again..historical re thinking. If it ain’t broke…comes to mind..( Would certainly take some traffic off the road round there..?
    Correct me if I’m w wrong..cheers

  3. The current schedules allow for the Parkway stop. Also, NR will increase the Colebrooke to Crediton line speed to the same as the Barnstaple track when renewed. Mark Hopwood has also indicated that the Crediton crossovers will be moved to Colebrooke, when due for renewal creating a double track section and greater flexibility.

  4. Adding an extra 2′ to 3′ journey time each way with the additional station will make for a tighter turnaround at Okehampton especially if a little late running. It is already quite tight at Crediton with the Okehampton service as good as passing there. It may mean that the odd Newton St Cyres stop will have to be taken out and the odd Barnstaple train call there instead to make the timetable work?

  5. Will they demolish the old station?
    I hope not !
    Why couldn’t our forfathers (beaching) have the keep at least the track beds .
    They were supposed to be brainy people.

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