Alstom to supply sixty more new-generation trains for Île-de-France

Picture of Janine Booth


Alstom to supply sixty more new-generation trains for Île-de-France


Picture of Janine Booth


RER NG livrŽe ële de France MobilitŽ
RER NG X'trapolis commuter train in the Centre d'Essais Ferroviaires (CEF), in Petite-Forêt near Valenciennes - France (16 July 2021) // Credit: Alstom/Samuel Dhote

Alstom has revealed that it is to supply sixty additional new-generation trains for the RER (Réseau Express Régional or Regional Express Network), for lines RER D and RER E of the Île-de- network.

The new generation double-deck rolling stock will be deployed on the RER D and RER E lines operated by Transilien SNCF Voyageurs for Ile-de-France Mobilités, in order to improve the level of comfort and regularity of these lines.

Financed wholly by Île-de-France Mobilités, the public authority that controls transport in the region, the order is worth a total of almost one billion euros. It represents the first option under the framework contract signed in 2017 between SNCF Voyageurs (commissioned by Île-de-France Mobilités) and , for an estimated requirement of 255 trainsets. The firm tranche of the RER NG contract included the delivery of 71 trains; this new order brings the number of RER NGs (New Generations) ordered to 131.

The contract is part of Île-de-France Mobilités’ policy to modernise all the rolling stock on the Île-de-France network. The RER NG is specifically designed for the dense urban areas that characterise traffic in the Île-de-France region. Île-de-France is the most populous of France’s eighteen regions, and contains the capital city, .

Alstom boasts that these trains will bring more capacity and , as well as being more comfortable, reliable and efficient.

The train has been designed, both in terms of overall architecture and interior design, to optimise capacity and passenger flow. It has open architecture and wide doors, allowing more fluid entry and exit of passengers.

It offers three distinct travel spaces, with each passenger choosing their space according to the length of their journey. For example, passengers making very short journeys can select platform areas for standing ln the train., while low mixed areas (standing or seated) would suit a journey of less than twenty minutes; On the upper level, spaces with regional-type comfort and more seats are available for longer journeys.

In each of the end cars, platforms allow wheelchair passengers direct and rapid access to their dedicated areas.

The train includes air conditioning, LED lighting adapted to the time (whether day, night or stopover at stations), USB sockets, and numerous screens allowing passengers to quickly access relevant information. Seating has been arranged to maximise comfort.

Alstom developed the RER NG design from its urban and suburban equipment solutions and took account of customer feedback. As a result, the company is confident that the RER NG will provide high levels of availability, reliability and safety.

Each train will be able to carry up to 1,860 passengers in its seven cars. Several innovations mean that the train will consume 25% less energy than previous generations. The RER NG has eight motor bogies which provide better acceleration and deceleration performance (under regenerative braking) than previous generations, an advantage for operations.

The first trains delivered are currently enabling SNCF Voyageurs to carry out the first integration tests on line RER E. Tests on line RER D will start soon.

Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, President of Alstom France, said, “We are delighted with this option, which demonstrates the renewed confidence of SNCF Voyageurs and Île-de-France Mobilités in Alstom’s RER NG trains. This new generation train will improve the travel experience of all Île-de-France residents by providing greater comfort and reliability,”


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