Tag: HS2

CrossCountry services affeced by 9 days of essential work from this weekend

Passengers advised to check their travel plans ahead as 9 days of…

Chloe White avatar Chloe White

HS2 opens huge factory to construct parts for UK’s longest railway bridge

The UK’s longest railway bridge is being built to carry HS2 2.1…

Roger Smith avatar Roger Smith

Birmingham Airport, new designs for shuttle from HS2’s Interchange Station

New plans for Automated People Mover linking HS2 Interchange Station and the…

Chloe White avatar Chloe White

Government to lay Bill before Parliament to extend HS2

Today, Monday 24th January, the Government is to lay the Bill before…

Roger Smith avatar Roger Smith

Virtual Reality will help HS2 be one of the World’s most reliable railways

HS2 to be one of the world’s most reliable railways through virtual…

Roger Smith avatar Roger Smith

Vast Roman trading settlement uncovered by HS2 archaeologists in Northamptonshire

Archaeologists working for HS2 have uncovered a vast Roman trading settlement at…

Roger Smith avatar Roger Smith

HS2 to be zero-carbon energy from Day One

HS2 aims to be zero-carbon energy from the outset, driving the government’s…

Roger Smith avatar Roger Smith

HS2 reveals first images of “green tunnels” set to built in Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire

HS2s first images reveal the longest of the three ingenious tunnels which…

Chloe White avatar Chloe White

HS2: New £2bn 225mph trains to be designed and built in the UK by Hitachi and Alstom

Britain's new 'Bullet Trains', capable of transporting passengers at up to 225mph,…

Michael Holden avatar Michael Holden

Giant Tunnelling Machine launched in the Midlands by HS2

The 2nd of December saw HS2 CEO, Mark Thurston launch HS2's Tunnel…

Chloe White avatar Chloe White