Rail Accident Investigation Branch to investigate Tram Derailment at Bulwell 

Picture of Chloe White


Rail Accident Investigation Branch to investigate Tram Derailment at Bulwell 


Picture of Chloe White


The tram following the derailment.
The tram following the derailment. // Credit: RAIB

Monday the 12th of June saw a Express Transit (NET) tram derail at around 17:06 hours whilst travelling at approximately 19mph.

The tram was travelling southbound when it derailed at a set of facing points on the approach to the tram stop.

As the tram derailed, it struck an overhead line support pole, causing substantial damage to both the tram and the NET infrastructure.

Approximately 30 passengers were travelling on the tram when the accident took place with two people, one being the driver, suffering minor injuries as a result of the derailment.

The investigation will seek to discover the sequence of events leading up to the accident, taking into consideration the following:

  • The actions of those involved and anything that may have influenced them
  • The management of drivers working on NET, including training and competence
  • The status, maintenance and performance of points and equipment
  • Any underlying management factors.
Nottingham City Line
(NET) Tram Service in Central Nottingham // Credit: Midlands Connect

Once complete, Rail Accident Investigation Branch will publish its findings and safety improvement recommendations in a report which will be via its website.



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