Bluebell Railway issues update on Q Class steam locomotive 30541

Picture of Janine Booth


Bluebell Railway issues update on Q Class steam locomotive 30541


Picture of Janine Booth


One of the tender’s brake cylinders, having been extracted from under the tender.
One of the tender’s brake cylinders, having been extracted from under the tender. // Credit: Blue-Bell Railway

Since the last update on Q Class 541 in November’s Bluebell Times, have removed areas of the steel outer firebox wrapper on the sides and backhead that are wasted and need to be replaced.

New sections of steel plate will replace them, and will be welded into place.

541's firebox, showing where areas ofthe steel outer wrapper have been cut away. Photo: Leaky Finders
541’s firebox, showing where areas of the steel outer wrapper have been cut away // Credit: Leaky Finders

Following the dismantling of the chassis, the wheelsets and axles have passed their ultrasonic tests and the wheelsets sent to the for tyre turning.

The rear dragbox under the cab was found to have deteriorated and has been removed from the frames so that it can be replaced.

At Bluebell’s workshop at in East Sussex, staff are overhauling boiler fittings and carrying out some preparatory work on the superheater header.

The rear of the loco's frames,showing where the dragbox has been removed. Photo: Leaky Finders
The rear of the loco’s frames, showing where the dragbox has been removed // Credit: Leaky Finders

Melvyn Frohnsdorff has been freeing up the tender tank, dismantling various lengths of pipework suspended underneath and extracting the vacuum and brake cylinders. The tender tank mounted sandboxes and associated pipework also had to be removed. This will enable staff to lift the tender tank, enabling them to access to the frames and assess their condition.

The working party has begun dismantling the brake rigging and cleaning and painting parts removed from the tender. It has plenty more work to do cleaning between the frames, addressing any work required to dragboxes, and more.

Sheffield Park from bridge
Sheffield Park viewed from the footbridge.// Credit: Janine Booth

Q Class is a 0-6-0 steam locomotive designed by Richard Maunsell of Southern Railway, which were constructed immediately before the Second World War.


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