Vegetation Enhancement Pack released for Train Simulator

Picture of Michael Holden


Vegetation Enhancement Pack released for Train Simulator


Picture of Michael Holden


Armstrong Powerhouse Vegetation Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Vegetation Enhancement Pack // Credit: AP

have released their latest enhancement pack for Train Simulator Classic, aiming to enhance the lineside vegetation in game.

AP says that the purpose of the enhancement has two benefits for the game, it replaces 3D assets with the higher quality assets in the pack

The pack also provides route builders with the higher quality 3D assets for when they are developing new routes for the game.

Armstrong Powerhouse Vegetation Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Vegetation Enhancement Pack // Credit: AP

There are 62 assets in the pack, all of which have been optimised to not affect the frame rate when compared to the existing assets.

The pack only covers certain routes at the time of writing, including the Welsh Marches Line, Birmingham Cross City, Manchester – Leeds, North London Line, Settle – Carlisle to name just a few. Full details can be found on the Armstrong Powerhouse website.

The pack costs £14.99 and is available exclusively through the Armstrong Powerhouse website.


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