Planning refused for Bala Lake Railways extension

Picture of Chloe White


Planning refused for Bala Lake Railways extension


Picture of Chloe White


Bala Defence Works // Credit: Julian Birley
Bala Defence Works // Credit: Julian Birley

Bala Lake Railways planning application to extend the railway into the town centre of Bala has sadly been refused. The application was heard on the 19th of April and was recommended for refusal by the Snowdonia National Park’s Planning Officer.

The foundation of the refusal has been due to there being no certainty that with increased numbers of tourists visiting and using the railway that the planning consent would not contravene Welsh Government legislation in regard to additional phosphates being discharged into the river Dee.

Put in a more straightforward way, an increase in tourists using the town would see a growth in sewage levels.

which is a charity, was extremely disappointed with the refusal of the application as planning has been underway by a team of volunteers for more than nine years which has been possible thanks to the support of many hundreds of generous donations from members of the public which are a lifeline for the railway.

Bala Lake Railway extension
Bala Lake Railways planned extension // Credit: Julian Birley / BLR

Julian Birley, chairman of the Bala Lake Railway Trust said:

“It really is not the outcome we had hoped for. We expected consent with a number of conditions or to have the case deferred to allow us time to further engage with the consultees to finalise all outstanding issues, some of which had only been made aware to us with the publication of the final report.”

“It was very apparent that the committee members were, in principle, in support of our project and the economic and commercial benefits it will undoubtedly bring to Bala and the surrounding area. However, many of them were reluctant to go against the Planning Officer’s recommendation and direction. Some members argued vigorously in the railway’s favour but it was not enough to carry the majority and the application was refused.”

The Bala Lake Railway team is not giving up on the extension and will be reapplying so that the town gets its railway. The project is extremely well supported including:

  • MP – Liz Saville-Roberts
  • Mabon ap Gwynfor AM
  • County Councillor Dilwyn Morgan
  • Bala town mayor – Owain Rhys Evans
  • Council
  • Local businesses
  • Local residents
  • The National Park has received 300 letters of support for the Bala Lake Railway extension

‘The Red Dragon Appeal’ continues to raise funds to support the project.

To make a donation, please visit:



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  1. This really does beggar belief, this is a 3/4 mile extension, that basically takes the railway from the edge of the town and into it’s centre, does the planning committee not realise that now just like my family and I did during a recent stay in that area walked from it’s current end and into the town. Yes it will make it easier for passengers to get to the centre of the town but would it cause such a dramatic increase in visitor numbers? Railways of all sizes usually run between areas of population, so in this case bring a railway into the town centre is what is considered normal. If Welsh Water is doing it’s job correctly in processing all the raw sewerage from the town then assuming it has the capacity, then any reasonable increase in numbers should not present an issue to the water quality.
    The real reason for the increase in phosphate levels that come from raw untreated sewage entering rivers is from livestock defecating in the fields, with water run off ends up in the rivers.

  2. Maybe all go for a piss in the planning officers bog before taking the train. He probably lives nowhere near and sits in an ivory tower, looking down on the plebs!!! Can he collect his P45 and sod off somewhere else?

  3. I used to run in he Bala Lake 11 each year. Does it still happen or has that been banned for fear of runners overloading the sewage system with a pre-race evacuation?

  4. It’s a good job that they didn’t have the same decision about the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railway , Porthmadog would be a ghost town. Do these idiots realise that these heritage railways are the lifeblood of many towns across the UK . Get up to date with the sewage disposal, that’s the real problem!

  5. Planning officers so short sighted, they should be working WITH this organisation to find a way for this project to proceed, this is a win, win for the town and businesses – come on local MP and councillors fight for this, the community needs this.

  6. As a volunteer on one of the narrow-gauge railways in Gwynnyd I have become aware in recent years of a growing isolationist tendency; such a decision only strengthens this feeling. Whatever happened to “We’ll keep a welcome in the hillside…”? Sad decision.

  7. Complete madness. This project will bring jobs and income to Bala and surrounds. It will improve the lives of local people and businesses as well as being a superb addition to the attraction of a wonderful area.There has been a huge amount of consultation with the relevant authorities since the project started 9 years ago. I simply cannot understand how Snowdonia Planning can pull the plug at this final stage. Surely it’s possible to build a cess-pit or septic tank or anything else to deal with increased sewage?!?!
    Utterly absurd and very sad indeed. I urge everyone involved to fight to reverse this ridiculous decision.

  8. It’s basically the WAter Company saying that they don’t have the capacity to process sewage from tourists.
    So a natural follow-on to Welsh Waters capacity issues would be to press for the closure of all gift shops, hotels, pubs, and restaurants that cause tourists to turn up in Bala. Or a 500-person reduction in the Bala population. Or restrictions on babies to one per family?
    It’s a strange world where a service organisation to the community – like a Water Company – restricts that community’s activities to make their own business easier and more profitable.
    So if you are going to Bala make sure you poo somewhere else before you arrive?

  9. I think some of the people who work in the Snowdonia National Park are NIMBY’s. Some of the Welsh Government could also be behind the planning refusal.
    Climate change people probably were against the extension.

  10. I am so sad to hear about this information. I always go to Bala when I’m in Wales and I was so looking forward to see the extension be finished. The reasons for the refusal are stupid but I get why they [Bala Lake Railway] were refused

  11. The decision to turn down this worthy application smacks of myopic bureaucracy. There was really no very good reason to refuse it and it will unnecessarily cost the Railway time and further costs. But the Railway MUST appeal and get garner ministerial support.

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