Network Rail helps rebuild Ukraine’s railway network

Picture of Roger Smith


Network Rail helps rebuild Ukraine’s railway network


Picture of Roger Smith


Barking Freight Station
Barking Freight Station // Credit: Peter Kindersley

Working with its partners in the rail industry under the banner UK Rail for , has once again delivered large quantities of aid in support of railway colleagues in Ukraine.

UK Rail for Ukraine is an initiative set up by volunteers in the railway industry in early February last year, to facilitate the delivery of large quantities of aid items to those affected by the crisis in the country.

UK to Ukraine help train
UK to Ukraine aid train. // Credit: UK

The railway in Ukraine has played a key role in helping to deliver people to safety, and to provide vital supplies to the front line. To help Ukraine in that aim, Britain’s railway industry has come together to offer its support.

So far, Network Rail has provided eight railway bridges and 30 bridge support tower and tunnel repair systems, with the primary aim of focusing on the essential routes in Ukraine.

DB Cargo hauled the first aid train from Britain on a special service to Poland, where it was delivered to organisations working on the ground. The train was hauled by a DB Cargo Class 66 No. 66099 emblazoned with the logo #We Stand With Ukraine.

Last year DB Cargo started to help upgrade Ukraine’s freight corridors as its important transport hubs are suitable for use by freight wagons to the European standard gauge. DB Cargo has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide support in various direct assistance packages and help to rebuild once the war is over. They have are plans to stabilise corporate structures, supply spare parts, provide wagons and coaches, and have provided Ukrainian rail workers with protective work clothing.

Network Rail’s Peter Gibbons said: “We have been on the ground in Ukraine to see the work in progress. We have seen the difficult conditions that the Ukrainian Railway is working under. They have already lost 300 colleagues during this conflict and the personal stories from their employees are heartbreaking.”


  1. crazy that network rail cam help another country but cannot sort the mess out in England. a totally shambolic service wrong snow wrong leaves points failures and more. how can they justify this

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