West Shed steam locomotive work to resume from July 2020

Picture of Jamie Duggan


West Shed steam locomotive work to resume from July 2020


Picture of Jamie Duggan


5551 "The Unknown Warrior" at West Shed // Credit PRCLT's Workshop Facebook Page
5551 "The Unknown Warrior" at West Shed // Credit PRCLT's Workshop Facebook Page

West Shed, built and owned by The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust (PRCLT), has announced that some of their staff will resume work on steam locomotives from Wednesday the 1st of July 2020.

Due to the UK lockdown, West Shed has been closed to the public and staff since Monday the 23rd of March 2020.

With no staff allowed to work, progress on PRCLT’s own fleet of steam locomotives and contract work has been paused.

With the lockdown being slowly eased, the Trust has taken the decision to allow some members of staff return to work.

Construction work on new build London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) Patriot Class No.5551 “The Unknown Warrior” will be prioritised first, with no public or volunteers returning until further notice.

West Shed at the Midland Railway Butterley
West Shed Credit: Visit Peak District


COVID 19 has had a significant impact on The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust, with no income from hiring out their steam engines along with West Shed being closed. Donations to support them during this difficult time are greatly appreciated by the Trust.

For more information or to support The Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust, please visit their website here.

The LMS-Patriot Project is at an advanced stage in building a brand new LMS Patriot Class, with the PRCLT contracted to complete the build. For more information or to support The LMS-Patriot Project in building 5551, please visit their website here.

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