Steam locomotive No. 1264 unable to attend Severn Valley Spring Steam Gala

Picture of Jamie Duggan


Steam locomotive No. 1264 unable to attend Severn Valley Spring Steam Gala


Picture of Jamie Duggan


No. 1264 in its new livery outside Grosmont MPD
Credit: B1LT

The Thompson B1 Locomotive Trust have announced that B1 No. 1264, recently repainted in LNER Livery, will not be visiting the ‘s (SVR) Spring Steam Gala this weekend.

Why 1264 won’t be visiting the gala?

Winter maintenance work on 1264 has been delayed at the .

Theis has led to the engine not being ready to be moved with “Tornado” on tomorrow (Tuesday).

Although 1264 won’t be able to visit the Severn Valley Railway this weekend, it’s hoped the engine can visit the line in the future.

Will the rest of 1264’s schedule be affected?

Currently, 1264 is still planned to haul the Whitby Flyer on April 7th and 14th.


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