Update on the overhaul progress of GWR Tank No. 3650

Picture of Jamie Duggan


Update on the overhaul progress of GWR Tank No. 3650


Picture of Jamie Duggan


Jamie Removes the last Bolt holding the Regulator Cover in place // Credit GWR Pannier Tank 3650 FB Page

The team at the Didcot Railway Centre have been busy removing components from 3650, ready for them to be overhauled.

The blower ring has been removed from 3650 and has undergone some cleaning up work.

All the bolts holding the regulator box cover have been removed.

This will allow further disassemble work to continue on next working day on the engine, the following Saturday.

3650's Regulator Rod // Credit Jamie Colin Karlslake
3650’s Regulator Rod // Credit Jamie Colin Karlslake

Both the steam dome and the steam collector (steam scoop) have been removed.

With both of these removed, it will allow further disassembly of the regulator, starting with the regulator rod and also allow the main steam pipe to be removed next Saturday (4th of February)

Can I help?

If you would like to help the team of volunteers at or want to know further information about 3650, please visit the GWR Pannier Tank 3650 Facebook page here



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