LocoStop Help & FAQs

If you cannot find the answer to your question here in the LocoStop FAQ, please click here to email us, or use our live chat facility.We will do everything we can to help you get the most from LocoStop.


The info and screenshots here relate to the desktop view of the community pages, but the mobile/tablet views are fairly similar

At the top of the activity stream is the box to create a new post, where you can share your pictures or other updates, full details can be found further down this page.

Below this are the activity stream filter options 

Locostop activity stream header menu

By default, you will view all the content of the activity stream. Unlike Facebook, which chooses what it thinks you might like to see, by default (All Updates) you see everything in chronological order.

To filter this long stream down, you can choose some of the other options:-

  • Reactions
    This filters the activity stream to show only those posts which you have previously reacted to, with a like for example
  • Connections
    With this selected you will only see posts for those members you have a connection with (more on connections further down)
  • In the extra menu with 3 dots, you have mentions and following
    These filter the stream to show only those you were mentioned in with the @ symbol and then following, shows posts from those people you are following
  • Finally there is an activity stream search box, where you can quickly search for specific words


Above the activity stream is the box where you can share your content.

You should see something like this…

If you click where it says Share, you can begin typing your message.

  • Photos
    If you want to upload one or more photos, click the camera icon in the bottom left corner of the new post box, and follow the instructions
  • Formatting Text
    If you want to make your text bold or create a bullet list, then click on the Aa icon in the bottom right for options
  • Mention
    If you want to mention (tag) a specific person in the post, click on the @ symbol in the bottom right or type the @ symbol in your text. The system will search names and nicknames for you as you type
  • Emoji
    If you want to add an Emoji to your post, click on the smiley face icon in the bottom right of the new post box
  • Video
    If you want to include a YouTube video, then just paste the link and it will be automatically embedded
    (Locostop does not currently support direct video uploads, but it is on the roadmap for future consideration)

Your Profile, Albums, Connections and more

On desktop, a number of additional options are accessed via the panel menu on the left of the screen as seen below

From here you can access your Profile, Timeline, Connections, Photos and more

You can not only access your own profile (via the menu links shown, or clicking on your profile picture) but you can access some basic information about other community members by click on their profile picture.

When viewing your profile you will see the following options (less will be shown when view another member profile)

You can click on your profile image or cover to change the pictures, below this you will see these options…

Timeline, Profile, Connections, Photos

  • Timeline
    This allows you to then select Personal (Your posts), as well as those you have reacted to, connections, mentions or following
  • Profile
    Your basic profile details, along with a link to the edit profile screen
  • Connections
    Here you will see members you are already connected with along with any connection requests you have received.
  • Photos
    Here you will see all the pictures you have uploaded and any albums you have created. You can add pictures you have already uploaded to an album, as well as move pictures between albums

Viewing other profiles

As mentioned above, some of the sections are available when viewing other member profiles.

In addition you will see a button to Connect with that user, plus other options in the … menu, including the follow option, and reporting options.

What is the difference between forming a connection and following?

A connection is a little like a friend request on Facebook, this is something that the other member must accept to complete the connection. You will need to be connected in order to send messages direct to the user.

Following means that you are following that members updates, and allows you to filter posts to those you follow in the activity stream. You can follow whoever you wish.

If you form a connection with another member you will automatically follow them.


Preferences for community notifications can be set via your personal menu in the top right of the screen (Name>Account>Notifications)

Here you can choose if you want to receive notifications on the website or via email or both. There are options for each different type of activity, so for example you may choose to receive email notifications for connection requests, but only website notifications if someone comments on your post.


If you are connected with another member then you can send them a direct message without it being posted to the main community stream. (See above for info about connections and followers)

To access your inbox click on the inbox icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen, this icon will have a number badge next to it if you have new unread messages. You will need a Silver (monthly) or Gold (annual) RailAdvent Plus membership to access your inbox.

In your mailbox you will see any previous conversations along with the option to create a new message. If you are creating a new message you just need to start typing part of the persons name or nickname and the system will suggest possible matches for you. It will only show members you have connections with. You can create message thread with more than one member, any replies will also go to all the members in the message thread.

You will also see options to message your connections (with an envelope icon) from their profile page, as well as your My Connections page via the left hand panel menu, or your user menu at the top of the screen.

You can choose whether to receive notifications about messages by email or on the website via your Notification preferences on your account menu as detailed above.

Further improvements and features for messaging are due to be released in the weeks ahead.


If you have a questions which isn’t covered here in this brief overview, please get in touch via the live chat in the bottom right of the screen.