Network Rail promotes rail safety at Football Festival in Stockport

Network Rail teach Rail safety at Football Festival

Mark Wilson Add a Comment 4 Min Read
The u15 girls teams ready to compete // Credit: Network Rail

Edgeley Park home of County FC played host to a girls friendly football festival last Friday, 17 May.

The competition for the Trophy started at 1pm with over 30 girls playing for their school teams.

Students from Laurus , Poynton High School, Stockport Academy, and Stockport School took to the pitch in a league tournament, each team playing 6 matches.

After an afternoon of tightly contested fixtures, it was the team from Stockport School who took home the trophy.

Stockport School celebrate their tournament win - Network Rail
Stockport School celebrate their tournament win // Credit: Network Rail

Those in attendance at the tournament included MP for Stockport Navendu Mishra, who showed his support not just for railway safety, but for the festival and the women's game of football.

“It was fantastic to attend Network Rail and Stockport County's rail partnership event promoting rail safety and healthy play for young people on Friday. I'm so pleased Stockport County have been promoted to League One, and can't wait to see them build on their success next season. Thanks to Network Rail and Stockport County for hosting this tournament.”

Navendu Mishra, MP for Stockport
Navendu Mishra, MP for Stockport showing his support for the tournament // Credit: Network Rail

Outside of game time, Network Rail, who are partners with the Stockport County Trust, taught the girls about elements of railway safety and the benefits of a play.

This was in relation to the 2,446 cases of trespass, vandalism and incidents across the whole North-West region within the area last year, equating to an average of 6 incidents per day!

With Stockport station being on the hotspot list with 86 incidents recorded.

Navendu Mishra MP with community safety manager Chris McLaughlin // Credit: Network Rail

By raising awareness of railway safety, the risks involved to yourself and others when you don't obey safety and promoting community events such as sports to build physical and mental wellbeing, help to deter such railway incidents from occurring normally caused by individuals or gangs.

More events similar to this are planned between Network Rail and Stockport County to help tackle the problem. These include primary school workshops which will be part of the club's community programme.

“It's been fantastic to celebrate our partnership with Stockport County Community Trust by welcoming girls from across Stockport to take part in the football festival.

“We've been working closely with Stockport County Community Trust for two years now, providing railway safety information at matches, school visits and during the summer holidays. I look forward to continuing this fantastic teamwork.”

Chris McLaughlin, Network Rail's North West route community safety manager,
Chris McLaughlin and Matthew Bailey talking to Network Rail // Credit: Network Rail

The Trust is so grateful for the support we've received from Network Rail throughout the academic year. Our organisations share many core values and objectives for young people in our community, including the provision of football opportunities for girls. With that in mind, we were delighted to invite the high school students over Edgeley Park and hope they all had a memorable day.”

Matthew Bailey, social inclusion lead at Stockport County Community Trust,

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