Steam locomotive 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley to return to Cheshire today after temporary fix

Michael Holden - Editor 6 comments 1 Min Read
Sir Nigel Gresley leaves York for Edinburgh // Credit: Trevor Camp

The has released a statement after 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley was declared a failure after a tour to last week.

A problem was detected on route to Edinburgh, which meant that the locomotive could not continue on the rest of its planned itinerary.

After a weekend in Edinburgh, a temporary fix has been put in place and now allows the locomotive to steam back to (with diesel assistance) where the valve can be taken apart for a full repair to be carried out.

The SNGLT says that they do not see any long period out of traffic for the locomotive.

The locomotive is moving back to Crewe TODAY (27th November), and you can find timings for this over on our Mainline Steam page.

A spokesperson for the SNGLT said “The problem was detected onroute to Edinburgh and a temporary repair has now been undertaken allowing us to steam with diesel assistance back to Crewe where the valve will be taken apart for a full repair. We do not envisage any long period out of traffic.”

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  • My dad took Sir Nigel Gresley for a steam up and down at Tysley Railway Museum about 33 years ago. I filmed the whole thing. He loved to show off the recording but it was stolen with the player that same year. It was never recovered. Now I follow the progress of this engine and I hope it will soon be back in perfect running order again.

  • I’m very pleased that 4498 will not be out of service for long but what was the defect and how has the temporary been achieved? A little more detail would be greatly appreciated.

  • I haven’t seen 4498 since I travelled on LNER society’s The Tynsider special 50 years ago. Glad to see it’s still running!

  • What time will the train go through Leyland station on its way to Crewe today. It stated it was getting to Crewe at 11pm. Leyland station is between Preston and Wigan North West.
    Thanks Susan

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