Michael Ashworth posted an update
No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard about no trains today there was no northern services, no Transpennine services, no no avanti west coast services and no Scotrail services due to the storm
That many trains running south west brunels lines these last few days ive got tennis spectators neckache?
@nostalgia no neck ache up here.
Them glorified DMUs they call 800 or 802s i like, I was told off for calling them HSTs? They look HSTs to me Lol. Think it the middle photo? I only remember the Western, Warship n Hymek stuff.
@nostalgia you would not be wrong in calling them High Speed Trains.
@Mike_Ashworth, So maybe the 800 is HST but other two just 43 types?