Michael Holden
clive BRretired posted an update 16 hours ago
(Its a Funny old world) I no sooner write a piece on Bulleid Westcountry types, and a picture of Westcountry 34046 Braunton on its Saphos run to Plymouth, and then for Plymouth to knock Liverpool out of the F A Cup!
(Shed duty on night turns), You would move all sorts of engine to their time off shed in the morning! The Bulleids could be most obstinate! Fires blacked out, Little steam, And far too much water out their boiler water glass gauges! Crack the lower drain cock to bring it down? Choc a block? You must be quick on the cylinder cocks when the…
Michael Ashworth posted an update 20 hours ago
37109 and 33109 at Ramsbottom Railway Station during thr East Lancashire Railway’s Diesel Gala on the 8th of February 2025. #feature
Victoria Thompson posted an update 22 hours ago
We have chosen the pictures for the newsletter this week, keep an eye out for it later today. Remember to upload your pictures with #feature to be in with a chance to be in the newsletter next week 🙂
(Not a stones throw apart)! I often see engines on here at that distance of the past! Its Eddystone and Tangmere this time, The first might make its first shed or public appearance in 1948 at my first shed Exmth jct (72A). And maybe to run such trains as the Atlantic coast express! Doh, wish i knew someone who types? With likes of Taw Valley…
Roger Smith posted a new post. 3 days ago
Work begins on £295m West Midlands Metro extensionWork is starting today, Thursday, 6th February on the £295 million project to extend the West Midlands Metro tram network in the Black Country.
clive BRretired and TaylPSteam - Load More