Try to match the 6ft 2inch wheel of your model? The converted Packets (35s) or Westcountry etc that i would walk under for their underneaths we called it on 72A shed, That Castles got a 6ft 81/2 inch wheel? Stanier stuff 6ft 9inch? But back in 1870 long before the Beatles would sing ‘ I wanna hold your hand’ and the Rollin Stones could never get ‘no satisfaction’! An engine like the Stirling would have a 8ft 1inch wheel and do 85 MPH on only 140psi on their York to London runs? So you bend its matches much less of a degree? Its the tiddlers! The bogy 3 footers that create the biggest problem! A long ago group made a Matchstick men recording? Doh! I call my creation Steam on reflection! That mirror weighs a ton!
Michael Ashworth, David Spencer and TaylPSteam-
He painted Salford’s smokey tops
On cardboard boxes from the shops
And parts of ancoats where I used to play
I’m sure he once walked down our street
‘Cause he painted kids who had nowt on their feet
The clothes we wore had all see better days
Now they said his works of art were dull
No room, all ’round, the walls are full
But Lowry didn’t care much anyway
They said he just paints cats and dogs
And matchstalk men in boots and clogs
And Lowry said, “That’s just the way they’ll stay”
And he painted matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
He painted kids on the corner of the street that were sparking clogs
Now he takes his brush, and he waits outside them factory gates
To paint his matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
Now canvas and brushes were wearing thin
When London started calling him
To come on down and wear the old flat cap
They said, “Tell us all about your ways
And all about them Salford days
Is it true you’re just an ordinary chap?”
And he painted matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
He painted kids on the corner of the street that were sparking clogs
Now he takes his brush, and he waits outside them factory gates
To paint his matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
Now Lowry’s hang upon the wall
Beside the greatest of them all
And even the Mona Lisa takes a bow
This tired old man with hair like snow
Told northern folk it’s time to go
The fever came and the good lord mopped his brow
And he left us matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
He left us kids on the corner of the street that were sparking clogs
Now he takes his brush, and he waits outside them pearly gates
To paint his matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
And he left us matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
He left us kids on the corner of the street that were sparking clogs
Now he takes his brush, and he waits outside them pearly gates
To paint his matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
And he left us matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
He left us kids on the corner of the street that were sparking clogs
Now he takes his brush, and he waits outside them pearly gates
To paint his matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
And he left us matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
He left us kids on the corner of the street that were sparking clogs
Now he takes his brush, and he waits outside them pearly gates
To paint his matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs1