Having written of the GW Hostel for railwaymen of Bristol, I found a Birmingham history forum that spoke of similar near Saltley depot where a driver would lodge years ago. The Bristol hostel was managed by a kindly Mr Dyer! The popular lady cook was called Maggie! Someone with a better knowledge of train routines than management themselves would give a call? A very reasonable charge taken from your pay packet! A Plymouth fireman had the only record player? Elvis was popular back then! The Hostel building was in Cotham area, The Downs not far away, The Downs Would have the suspension bridge! Engine wise so many GW types from the marsh, mixed with the Midland stuff, Standards. Leander, Leonne was it Rook or Trafalgar? Dunno, I found firing GW engines odd for a while. And black chaps would jump aboard on the pits to clean the fire bars! Id not experienced that before either?