clive BRretired posted an update
4 weeks ago (edited)
(Railwaymen Hostels of old With steam and good Ale), Come 1964 the Southern region had joined the Great Western! The smelly DMU would have a driver! But as yet all bigger locos were 2nd manned! Unwanted fireman returned to base! (72A) Seniority was king! No engines cleaned anymore for yonks! So no more cleaner to make a fireman? So a man firing a 2Mt could jump over me on my Maunsell or Bulleid? So Rule 3 was introduced! I would get a list in 1964, I named Bristol, Nine Elms, And another? (Escapes me)? So i check my 650 twin Huntmaster motor bike, Grab a spare pair of socks and off i roar to Bristol! Straight into GW Bath road 1000 gang! With bushes, trees, tunnels but mostly railway sleepers zipping by at 90 MPH? Prince Duke Renown you name it we had loads! for two days and then steam subbed from Midland Barrow road shed? So ive gone Southern, GW, Midland and my motor bikes not cooled down yet! No motorways back then! Still 5years for man to go to the moon! (Dont know if that GW or Midland flight)? Oh my word i’m supposed to be on about Hostels? GW bought a very large house in Redlands! 30 or so railway fireman, drivers would sleep 6 or 4 to a room! But all hours? So i get up as others pile into bed? There was never much on tele! Get up to go out for a pint and half the room would get up and join you! A dozen fireman hit the glen on the downs and not a shovel in site? Women cant understand the men who run on steam and good Ale?