• Profile photo of clive BRretired

      clive BRretired posted an update

      2 months ago (edited)

      34028 Four pictures below was on Exmth jct for years! A frequent Atlantic Coast express engine till late 50s! Cant remember its conversion date but fireman Ed could fire it all day wearing a straight tie and always dressed for going on to a wedding later! But my king of senior mainline fireman G*** Would climb on the engine i was attending to with a hello my booty? Oh, ello G**** i would reply! ‘I was talking to the engine’ he said! Doh. But as more Bulleids would get converted the more my friendship with Mainline drivers grew! I was an oil monkey! Bearings love hot oil from the cabs fire shelf and hot oil pongs a bit, So now his cabs cleaner than my front room and coals damped down and boiler face pounded with the pep pipe (Dries in 5mins)! Ed and G*** god bless them were so smart! So if you want to get on in this life? Then simply Delegate!!

      Michael Ashworth