Michael Holden
Janine Booth posted a new post. 6 hours ago
National Railway Museum reveals plans for double celebration yearThe National Railway Museum in York has announced its plans for two anniversaries this year – its own fiftieth birthday and the bicentenary of the railway.
The Station Hall was not previously a goods station as stated in the article. It was the roundhouse for the former York Engine Shed coded 50A. Also, when it says They will eat aboard a former London &… Read more
clive BRretired posted an update 9 hours ago
So groups still come on the main page then? Bang goes my suggested chat page! The whole town knows i just bought a dozen Geraniums for my hanging baskets? And i once knew a girl called Rose?
Hi Clive, anything posted in a group will only appear if you are part of that group and will appear on your feed at http://www.railadvent.co.uk/locostop
If you arent a member of a group you wont see posts in it
Try to match the 6ft 2inch wheel of your model? The converted Packets (35s) or Westcountry etc that i would walk under for their underneaths we called it on 72A shed, That Castles got a 6ft 81/2 inch wheel? Stanier stuff 6ft 9inch? But back in 1870 long before the Beatles would sing ‘ I wanna hold your hand’ and the Rollin Stones could never…
Janine Booth posted a new post. 3 days ago
£238,000 grant awarded to Stockton and Darlington RailwayIn its two hundredth year, the Stockton & Darlington Railway has won Lottery funding to help secure its future.
I see a Shildon demonstration line of 1km exists, but where is this "Railway’s work in maintaining the 26-mile-long heritage line." please?
(Viewing attendance for a big popular lump)! ‘Big Jet’ Heathrow followed the last flight of Gary recently! A Virgin Atlantic captains dream liner to Bridgetown? (Please don’t ask where that is)? It unstuck the tarmac at Heathrow and was lost to all ground viewers! But those who tracked it on Flight radar 24 were a constant 4600+, Making it…
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