Hornby 2025

  • Holtonpc

    15 January, 2025 at 21:43

    Hands up Robert I’ve not actually looked the new range as my model railway has taken a bit of a backward step. Maybe once this discussion group takes off I can be stirred into action again

  • Michael Ashworth

    16 January, 2025 at 09:53

    I have had a look, just out of interest, but Hornby seems to charging a lot of money for what is made relatively cheaply in China.

    From being around Tool Making and the Plastics Moulding industries someone somewhere is making a large mark-up on the costs involved.

    Yes they are nice, but they seem to be too perfect, without a lot of weathering require to make the model look more realistic.

    Model Railways use to be a cheap hobby, one where you could pick up bits and pieces for pocket money, or improvise a house hold item with a bit of paint, but now you need very deep pockets and the increase is not just inflation as it’s a lot more.

  • Michael Holden

    16 January, 2025 at 10:30

    I have to say, I do like the look of the GNER Class 91s! However, I don’t have space for a layout, so I will have to leave it to the exhibitions! However, it’s nice to see a good variety of products in the launch, meaning there’s something for everyone.

  • David Spencer

    16 January, 2025 at 11:03

    I grew up with Tri-Ang models from around 1956 onwards. They were sturdy models, OK, lacking some detail, but reasonably priced in their day and capable of decades of service, witness the number of black Princess Elizabeth locos still around. Today’s models may be much more finely detailed, but one can scarcely dare touch them for fear of damaging fine details. The motors are also much less durable.

    Have we gone too far in the pursuit of accuracy?

    • Michael Holden

      16 January, 2025 at 11:43

      There are lots of ‘variations’ the models which of course adds to the detail but of course then pushes up the price too.

      • Michael Ashworth

        17 January, 2025 at 10:17

        The variations are mainly to do with colour and badging, which is relatively cheap to do.

        30 years ago I had a model railway that ran around 3 sides of the spare bedroom, it was only 12″ (30cm) wide but had a total running length of 60ft (18.2M), and took up not much space.

        My wife bought me a brand new BR 2MT at a cost of £30.00, the same one today would cost £240 which is a eight times the price (800%), yet both would have been manufactured in exactly the same way.

        By way of a comparison an average car has only increased by 127%

        • Michael Holden

          17 January, 2025 at 11:40

          Thats rather insightful Michael. Your layout sounds incredible – did you get any photos of it?

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