A group to share anything to do with the infrastructure of the railways, be it at a heritage railway or... View more
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Robert Parr joined the group
Infrastructure 4 weeks ago
Christopher Hart joined the group
Infrastructure 4 weeks ago
clive BRretired posted an update in the group
Infrastructure 4 weeks ago
(Dig all day with no tea break)! Tea was so expensive back in 1800s! For fine China cups in large houses, So the Custom house at the bottom of this road was for the M7 steam engine! Some are still about? Restored / preserved somewhere? A 0-6-4 if memory serves. A couple of ones i fired were saved from the cutting torch? Their cabs quite small!…
Really enjoy seeing photos that were once part of the rail network, Thanks for sharing Clive 🙂
clive BRretired joined the group
Infrastructure 4 weeks ago
Michael Ashworth joined the group
Infrastructure 5 weeks ago
Victoria Thompson joined the group
Infrastructure 5 weeks ago
Michael Holden created the group
Infrastructure 5 weeks ago