The East Anglian Freighter

2025sat18jan07:00sat20:15PostponedThe East Anglian FreighterLondon Liverpool Street - Southend Victorianew date TBCTimings?NoTractionDieselLocoClass 20,Class 37

Event Details

This tour boards at London Liverpool Street, Shenfield, Chelmsford, and Ipswich on its way to Southend Victoria.

Tour Promoter â€“ UK Railtours

Operator â€“ Rail Adventure

Locomotive â€“

  • Liverpool Street – Sizewell

    • 2 x Class 20

  • Sizewell – Ipswich

    • Class 37

  • Ipswich – Felixstowe

    • 2 x Class 20

  • Felixstowe – Ipswich

    • Class 37

  • Ipswich – Harwich

    • 2 x Class 20

  • Harwich – Liverpool Street

    • Class 37

Route and Times –

Click the links below for timings (if available)

Fares â€“ From £139, visit the tour operator’s website for more information.

Other Information

WARNING – Information displayed on this page was correct at the time of writing, information can change quickly. Please visit the tour operator’s website to check if any changes have been made.

Other events are available to view by clicking here.


London Liverpool Street

Bishopsgate London Greater London EC2M 7PY

Other Events

Retrieved at 09:29:04


  1. I note that this has now been postponed to the Sunday. Of late, quite a number of UK Railtours excursions have been inexplicably postponed (sometimes more than once) or have been inexplicably cancelled. Postponement of a Saturday tour to a Sunday is particularly unacceptable to anyone regularly otherwise engaged on a Sunday. This would have been understood by John Farrow in view of his being a deputy churchwarden at his local church. Wheen someone has booked a particular tour precisely because it is not on a Sunday, it is unacceptable for the tour to be switched to a Sunday. In view of the y number of alterations, postponements and cancellations in recent months, one does wonder what on earth is going on at UK Railtours. I am really sorry to find myself, as a UK Railtours supporter, striking such a critical note, but I really do think that we ought to be entitled to an explanation as to what is happening. For that matter, there is also the point that UKR is using WCRC as the operating company for a number of tours, even though John Faarrow would never use WCRC. Unless WCRC has dramatically improved, this also does seem to be a matter of concern.