Video shows near miss with train at level crossing in Merseyside

Picture of Michael Holden


Video shows near miss with train at level crossing in Merseyside


Picture of Michael Holden


Southport Level Crossing Near Miss
Southport Level Crossing Near Miss // Credit: Network Rail

has released footage from onboard a train showing a near miss with a pedestrian at a .

The incident occurred at the end of last month at the Crescent Road level crossing in , .

A female pesedstrian was walking over the crossing at around 9:45am ignoring the barriers, warning lights and sounds.

Network Rail estimated the woman came within half a second of being hit by the train which was travelling between Birkdale and railway station.

Trains can travel up to 60mph on that section of track and Network Rail are appealing for people to pay more attention when using level crossings.

“In my time as a level crossing manager, I haven’t seen a near miss this close to being a fatality.

“The individual appeared to be completely unaware of her surroundings, suggesting she may have been distracted at the time.

“Safety is our top priority and we cannot stress the message to pedestrians enough to please take extra care when approaching level crossings.”

Simon Shipperd, Network Rail level crossing manager


  1. With surely a Railway Act offence, how is the offending pedestrian to be “told off” by her friends if they cannot recognise her from the picture, with her face area defocussed. It´s in a public area so no infringement of civil liberties.

  2. Network rails fault, only half barrier crossing, in today’s world of people walking around looking at their phone with headsets on they don’t realise where they are.
    Unfortunately they focused out to see if she was more interested with phone

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