New Low-Emission shunters enter service in Wales

Picture of Michael Holden


New Low-Emission shunters enter service in Wales


Picture of Michael Holden


New Zephir LOK 16.300 depot shunter
New Zephir LOK 16.300 depot shunter // Credit: GB Railfreight

Three Zephir LOK 16.300 shunters have entered service at CELSA Steel UK in .

The shunters are expected to reduce emissions by around 40% and a series of competitions to name them are set to be opened soon. Any ideas? Let us know in the comments!

These new shunters will move steel billets from an electric arc furnace to the rolling mills.

“It’s great to see these clean, green new shunters enter service at CELSA Steel UK. They’re another example of how the rail freight sector plays a critical role in decarbonising the UK’s supply chains.

“I’m looking forward to seeing the nominated names for the new shunter locomotives – we’re hopeful we can use this to raise some money for charity and make people smile.”

John Smith, Chief Executive of


  1. First off, they’ve only been tested in celsa for a couple months , on a few shunts at a time, so no where near what the 08’s do which is pretty much non stop 24hrs a day! They’ve been told that DB (who have part use of Tidal) gb shunters, must use a class 1 lorry license to operate, so they are currently just sitting at celsa doing nothing! Which seems counter productive, their not built for celsa’s awful track, and more fuel has been used than the trusty 08, as they are diesel Cummins euro 6 engines, italy and uk have also discovered that the engines are extremely loud and would need a break after using machines on hearing and environmental concerns on noise pollution.

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