Trains begin to return to normal after nationwide GSMR fault

Picture of Michael Holden


Trains begin to return to normal after nationwide GSMR fault


Picture of Michael Holden


Passengers passing through the ticket barriers at Blackfriars Station. // Credit: Transport for London
Passengers passing through the ticket barriers at Blackfriars Station. // Credit: Transport for London

A nationwide fault with the communication system is affecting all railway lines.

The system is used by train drivers and signallers and means that trains are subject to delay.

The GSMR system allows for communication between trains and signallers, allowing for safe movement of trains across the network.

The problem is currently being investigated.

Please see National Rail for the latest travel advice.

Here are the latest details:

12:05 – Issue resolved

The issue with GSMR is now fixed, and trains can run normally again; minor may occur across some parts of the network.

09:30 – Update on delays

The delays are being caused by trains leaving their depot at the start of service. However, once running, trains can run normally.

09:01 – Northern Advice

If the train you are travelling on is cancelled, you can use your ticket on either of the next two services.

08:31 – Elizabeth Line and SWR Advice

Elizabeth Line passengers are advised to wait for the next available train

SWR says to use local buses to continue journeys

08:30 – ScotRail advice

Passengers can travel via any reasonable route


  1. Is this the same World Class organisation that also has repeated signal failures, repeated overhead line failures and repeated track defects and has been served improvement notices by the ORR and will be a key player in Great British Railways ?

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