After a review, it has been decided to suspend the Heritage Tram Tours in Blackpool.
The heritage trams usually operate alongside the modern fleet, but this has become increasingly challenging, with issues such as depot space, general safety and maintenance conflicts making it difficult to operate them effectively.
Blackpool Transport Services says that they hope to dedicate the past by finding innovative opportunities to honour the history of Blackpool.
Here is the statement in full…
Following a thorough review, we have made the difficult decision to suspend our Heritage Tram Tours. Operating the Heritage Trams alongside our modern fleet has become increasingly challenging, with issues such as depot space, tram movements, general safety and maintenance conflicts making it difficult
to continue running the service effectively.
This decision was not taken lightly, but we believe it is the most practical step to support the evolving needs of our business and maintain the overall efficiency of our operations. As part of our efforts to future-proof and safely grow our core tram network following the North Station extension, we are introducing advanced safety systems, including the Obstacle Detection Assistance System (ODAS) and the Collision and Overspeed Monitoring and Prevention Assistance System (COMPASS). These technologies are essential to maintaining safety, especially during busy times such as the summer, illuminations and festive seasons. The systems also allow us to improve operational efficiency, and ensure the sustainability of the network.
The Heritage Trams are a cherished part of Blackpool’s history, and we fully recognise their importance to the community, however, ensuring the ongoing safety and sustainability of the service has become increasingly complex. This pause provides an opportunity to reflect on the role of Heritage trams within a modernised and safe tramway network.
By reassessing their operation, we aim to explore new ways to honour Blackpool’s rich transport heritage while maintaining our commitment to a safe, efficient, and future-focused service. We are dedicated to finding innovative opportunities to honour and showcase Blackpool’s iconic tramway history, and we thank you for your understanding as we work towards this.
After the (false) supposed promises made early in December, it seems that the final nail in the coffin of Blackpool’s Heritage Tramcars was recently announced when an underling of Ms. Cole, MD of Blackpool Transport Services, attended a meeting of the Fylde Tramway Society. The subsequent statement was as follows :-
“We hope to run heritage trams in the Illuminations”
A Blackpool Transport representative stated at the recent meeting of the Fylde Tramway Society that Blackpool Transport hopes the Heritage Trams will be back for the illuminations later this year.
At the meeting they also acknowledged that it was Blackpool Transport’s decision to remove the operation because of outdated practices, not the Office of Rail.
Recent rumours cast further doubts of the return of the heritage tram fleet following the news that the heritage tram engineering staff had been informed they would be made redundant/redeployed into different roles with the organisation. The Blackpool Transport representative all but confirmed this rumour by confirming the organisation will “use subcontractors to work on the heritage fleet in the future”
From this, it may be concluded that earlier suggestions of ORR concerns about the safety of the Heritage Fleet were simply Ms.Cole being economical with the truth. Unless the term ‘subcontractor’ is simply a euphemism for ‘scrap dealer’ I suspect that little faith may be placed in that comment either. I wonder why Ms. Cole did not choose to announce this, her moment of triumph, personally, but did it through a lackey?
The heritage trams WILL be back next year. They have had to be suspended so work could be carried out to the infrastructure so they will be able to run next year.
No, they will not. I refer you to my update.
i love the old trams it all becoming all about money Blackpool with lose out in tourism . and me and my wife loved going on them .it was one of the thing we come to Blackpool for .i hope they will work something out in the future .
TYPICALLY USELESS COUNCIL with the sence of STARMER these trams were the first in this country and Blackpool transport don’t give a MONKIES scrap them and run the Crap modern trams no thanks just get rid of the modern ones and put the old ones back into full service that’s the answer
That what they should do .the new one’s are rubbish .
Starmer’s not the best but he’s been in office for 5 mins so it’s not his fault – stop blaming the easy option. Boris Johnson stole £350 million from the NHS and you’re silent about that.
I can understand the regular heritage trams being “temporarily” suspended till Spring till any issues can be ironed out and schedules approved, however the illuminated trams being removed at this time is ridiculous, they should be running till the first week of January whilst the xmas stuff is still running
They can spend £23,000,000 on moving the trams up to Blackpool North, despite no one living wanted it. Then are going to spend another £17,000,000 to deal with the congestion caused by sending the trams up the Blackpool North.
But our heritage is not worth keeping.
An appalling decision with no concrete evidence to support it. Do they not remember when the ‘modern’ trams were introduced and on the day, the first tram only ran a few feet before the on-board computer falsely detected a problem and stopped the tram, effectively blocking both the line and the system as the tram could not be moved! Maybe the ‘modern’ trams should be suspended. Better still, the ORR should perhaps close the Crich tramway museum immediately, as it is unsafe for the public to use. Would Blackpool Transport Services agree with this finding – probably. Sadly, this is the silly situation you often get when essential services are ‘farmed out’ to organisations that are only interested in maximum profit for minimum effort. A ‘genuine’ operator would surely reassess the situation first and come up with a workable plan that was acceptable to all, before any suspension of operation. Their actions simply show that they have no plan and no intention either. Far better that the Council take control of the service, after all, it is their town and it is ultimately in their hands, whether visitor numbers go up or, as is more likely, down.
If the heritage trams don’t restart then Blackpool will have to do without any more visits from me. I can ride modern trams closer to home than Blackpool and I only ever visited Blackpool to enjoy riding on the trams which they now call heritage trams.
your are right go by Blackpool
Don’t forget that the reason that Blackpool trams survived in the 1930’s and 1940’s was the fact that they had MODERN streamlined trams. Is history repeating itself?
Absolutely agree all previous comments – Blackpool Transport Services should be ashamed of themselves. The statement put out is a complete cover up for the fact they just can’t be bothered and it is costing them money There has never been any safety issues with the tram network in Blackpool – there were never any worries even when I was going in the early 1960’s as a small child. A Modern tram network is purely for efficiently moving people about. Blackpool trams mean so much more than that – they are a unique part of any holiday there – will the Blackpool Tower be next because there is no money to paint it !
It is real terrible that the heritage trams have been suspended, it is not at all right that this has happened and I hope they do get things sorted out and very soon and that they will be back. There should be a mass demo in Blackpool about this.
Disgraceful. Update the trams to minimize the maintenance.
Typical decision made by people in authority who don’t care about tradition and what’s important to their area. Can’t be bothered to put the time and effort in. The old trams bring tourists like myself to Blackpool; especially at illuminations time. Guess you’re gonna put them on the scrap heap. Shame on you.
DISGRACEFUL decision by these trumped up lefty woketards, yet another selfish move by self loathing fools..
Poorly educated old boomer doesent know what woke is and thinks this is a left / right issue, yawn
Tell Budapest, Lisbon and Prague their far too old to bother about.
Loathe spin- bare in mind if they cared, they could have found a way.[Some local politician or tyro transport chief tyring to make a mark-where Beeching came from. if space an issue, create a bespoke museum for the cars? HLF friendly? An added tourist attraction but spare us the usual museum qualification led drivel. Blackpool is rock, tower and OLD TRAMS!
if LUL can operate steam and vintage electric, its perfectly possible to mix old and new trams-this looks like a cynical attempt to avoid the fuss of running both. No doubt expect an art installation or two, ‘stories’ aplenty etc. Suspect they want to be a Metrolink for Blackpool.
Blackpool without a ‘balloon car’ is not Blackpool. IF, they offer to include volunteers might be possible?
Classic local government spin.
It’s been on the cards for a while, there are moving to an elictric fleet of buses so they will need the space for the chargers, but if they kept the tram fleet run them on weekends and only use between Starr gate and fleetwood the should fit in
Visit Blackpool several times a year. Won’t be so eager to do so now.
I other words they can’t find a blacksmith to make the parts for the old trams.!
It’s a sad moment indeed but let’s be realistic about this, and the facts have to be faced, the trams are getting ever older and nothing lasts forever and if they cannot maintain the trams, they have to come out of service, end of story, and don’t be so hasty to condemn Blackpool transport for this decision, but face the sad reality of it all, and don’t delude yourselves that the old fleet will outlast the newer “rubbish trams”
They can last for long time when they are maintained. See Prague’s public transport museum, they have about 100 trams ranging from 120 years old to more modern ones. But they keep almost all of them in working order. After all these old cars are fairly simple, there are couple of motors, simple electro mechanical controller driving them and some wiring. No fancy electronics, no special equipment needed.
So what about Manx Electric Keith???
As an Engineer, maintaining a fleet of vintage trams is no challenge whatsoever. Modern technology makes it even easier to maintain than in previous decades. Installation of health and safety measures and equipment can now be subtle and effective. Keep them on the rails and enjoy this part of Liverpools heritage. They’re probably too British!
Have you been to Blackpool and seen the situation first hand or are you just jumping to conclusions
The quality of the Illuminations has sadly declined over the years, and without the tour trams there’s not much reason to go anymore.
Blackpool has been in decline for years – each visit I’ve made seeing it gradually deteriorate into a seedy dump full of hen parties and asylum hotels.
The only reason I visit(ed) was for the Heritage Trams. Thankfully on a recent visit in October I finally managed the Tramtown Tour and got to ride the illuminated ‘train’. Little did I know it was to be my last opportunity. I, like many other commenters won’t in a hurry to go back. The soul has been ripped out of what bit of character it had left now the old trams will no longer be running.
So much for the clownsil’s pride in keeping the heritage of Britain’s first electric tramway alive. It seems all they’re interested in is promoting nightclubs and binge drinking.
Every man and his dog who ever visits Blackpool regularly must agree, it’s just another nail in its coffin from people who just do not understand what the public want.
There is no such thing as asylum hotels, educate yourself, any “former” hotels housing asylum seekers / refugees currently are only in “some” of what were 2-3 star owned by Britannia
That’s it then, was going to visit Blackpool for holiday and travel on a balloon tram, I sympathise with the decision in its whole content, but that very decision will likely affect tourists coming to Blackpool, most in my age group likely went to Blackpool as a child, and any visit now, is likely to preserve and relive those childhood memories, without the Balloon trams passing us or riding on, would likely deter a visit now.
They are spending almost £6 million on new woke buses, sorry electric buses, yet refuse to fund these feel good trams.
You seem to be lacking in brain power, get our of your woke bed and inform yourself, use your woke bathroom first though
The old trams bring tourists. The new trams seem ointlesd. They are no more than a ruinously exensive bus service between Fleetwood and Squires Gate
Sounds like a poor excuse to do something they want to. How come vintage trams run safely alongside the modern fleets all over Europe such as Prague, Lisbon, Vienna and numerous other cities both large and small. There will always be an excuse to stop something you don’t want or would rather not do but there is always a way to get something done if there is a will to do it. Is anyone really in such a rush to get to Fleetwood?
I am so sad to learn of this decision. I am 72 years old, and although I live in Huddersfield, I have spent many holidays, as recently as a short weekend break this September with former workmates, and was so excited to see the North Station extension, coupled with boring my mates with historical info about former tram routes and identifying all the heritage trams! Over the years, I’ve taken loads of photos and videos of those beloved art deco tramcars, and some of the older ones. I’ve also drawn pictures of the trams, and I was so honoured when the Mayor of Blackpool bought one them in the centenary year 1985, a Standard car at Royal Oak terminus. To be honest, I’m not impressed with the new trams, and in September, they were dangerously overcrowded. Please have a rethink, there must be a compromise available. Blackpool without the heritage trams is like fish without chips. Maybe a petition is called for?
This past July, for several days, I had the pleasure of travelling on the trams, arriving by train and then from North Station tram terminal. (notwithstanding the lack of height nearly banging my head on the start of the access slope under the hotel) .Even one old tram made an appearance complete with a Conductor. However it had been ten years since a previous visit.
I must be mistaken, but one of the new/renovated trams, track and catenary reasons for the investment, according to the EU funding; was that the trams would be much quicker than the older ones.
Well blow me down. The modern trams in July were travelling at extroadinarily slow speeds – taking an hour to travel from St Chads to Fleetwood. Regrettably a far from a pleasant experience. The staff were superb and deserve recognition.
Looks like you’ll have to travel to Lowestoft or Crich if you want to see Blackpool heritage trams.Theyve just been waiting for an excuse to get rid of the old trams and redevelop Rugby Road Depot
‘We aim to explore new ways to honour Blackpool’s rich transport heritage.’ Such as? An A4 print of a Balloon in a few of the Flexity stops, perhaps?
Damn shame. I was up there late August and really loved seeing these old girls trundling around. Some even have names, like ‘Sir Ken Dodd’.
I remember travelling to Blackpool as a family some 45 years ago and riding on the old trams. They are some of my fondest memories of Blackpool. Now how am I meant to share those memories with my 14 year old son? Health and safety is out of control, why not just ban all trams? If this was April I’d say it was an April fool but unfortunately I know you’re serious. They are talking about reducing the time the lights are on and now this! Where is the spirit of Blackpool going? Will Blackpool soon be forgotten?
Same as me, 1976 aged 9, (ish) boiling hot summer, do you recall the 4 seater bikes you could hire..!
An absolute disgrace denying the destroying the historic heritage that so many people all over the globe know love and come to see as a vital fully operational part of Blackpool and its famous unique beautiful coastline a traditional seaside resort with so much heritage and history being discarded so future generations will never get to enjoy the full experience that soo many people over the years and today will always remember creating lasting happy memories of the best times vacationing visiting staying at and adding to the local economy with soo many traditional attractions and new additions too.unfortunately Blackpool transport and Blackpool Council will destroy and damage forever this most iconic sea side resort with their fixation on creating a concrete jungle of modern buildings car parks especially and proposed new developments sweeping away the original character historic buildings soo iconic to the area and trying to turn Blackpool into a City get obtain city status for one’s inthecouncils pocket not to benefit the residents .the tourist industry in Blackpool is being by their foolish decions made without public consultation destroyed. The historic Heritage trams were running faithfully serving the public as they have done for such a long time over a hundred years on the oldest running safe environmentally friendly transport system . What are Blackpool transport and Blackpool Council doing they must keep the historicheritage trams the largest collectiontion still operating in regular public use not just keep a few as static museam pieces.the world famous illuminations are never going to be the same if they survive the locals and regular visitors will tell you they are slowly going the same way as the historic heritage trams not even discreetly they will disappear due to councillors wanting to cutback instead building new concrete car parks we do not need asthenia visitors will stop coming if the council and transportdepartment are not stopped in their foolhardy wastefulways disrespecting entirely the whole areas historic heritage significance as a family traditional seaside resort its worldwide known purpose for generations being swept away for a modern concrete jungle you can see anywhere.progress yes but do not sacrifice our future generations historic heritage .please put a Stop to this all the Blackpool Council and Blackpool Transport are doing the power of the people needs to do this complain to your mps contact parliament this foolish folly making ridiculous decisions without public consultation behind closed doors needs stopping now .please help to save all of Blackpool historic heritage before it is too late our forefathers would be absolutely discussed that all they built up is slowly being swept away with greater intensity every year soon Blackpool will be like a ghost town no different to any seaside town in the uk with nothing outstanding to offer anymore.tourism will be dead .please Stop this with the power of the people. Thankyou a most concerned citizen of Blackpool who is most concerned about Blackpool and its surrounding areas future .
I am so sad I don’t think I will be going to Blackpool anytime soon unless they put them back in service😭
Blackpool’s verbal diarrhoea about old trams that they would l8ke to get rid of but need a good excuse so as to avoid Joe publics backlash.Well OK, pension them off – donate them all to Crich tram museum.
Chrich has just undertaken to accept three cars from the Wirral museum. I doubt that it has the space.
This morning, I feel, as did when my late father told me as a youngster, that all steam trains were being withdrawn. Some of my earliest memories are of alighting the holiday train from Manchester Exchange at Blackpool and getting the tram from outside. Now, over 60 years later, the tram has returned to the station, but, this appears to be at the expense of the wonderful heritage fleet. On those early holidays, I would wake early each morning to watch the trams leaving the Red Bank Road depot in Bispham as they passed the hotel, my family stayed at. My love for the ‘balloon fleet’ never has waned.
It would not be such bad news if the statement had anything meaningful in it, such as near accidents, maintenance issues that were increasingly difficult to solve, and passenger comfort. The standout statement is ‘space’. Does this mean removing and possibly scrapping the heritage fleet? Have they not just announced plans for saving Rigby Road?
The town has been in serious decay for decades, accelerated by the Blair government’s plan to turn Blackpool, into the “Vegas’ of Europe. When that plan failed spectacularly, the damage had already been done. It had become a drug-fueled shadow of its former self. The trams were a beacon of hope. Some are over a century old, and the balloon fleet is not far short of that and is as comfortable today as they were when they were introduced, and arguably, far more so than the modern soulless ones introduced a decade ago.
In my view, this is a poor modernisation decision, and it will affect tourism, not least as I assume this news will include the restored illuminated fleet; the famous Illuminations will also be withdrawn.
Odd isn’t it? Many far more modern town and cities throughout the world are able to operate heritage cars without incommoding their existing vehicles. Why is something similar beyond the capabilities of Blackpool transport?
Unfortunately Rigby Road is earmarked to the new garage for the electric buses Blackpool Transport want to intry
The Blackpool trams have been part childhood I so many fond memories of of old trams my first tram ride was way back in 1982 which where an Omo and a brush railcoach , there have been many all over advert trams some looked great some looked a bit garish Most memorable advert for me was the post office tram in the yellow and red livery anyone remember that one and not forgetting the Walls Ice cream balloon tram with the walls logo At each end it would be sad to see them not return
If other tramway systems from around the world like San Francisco, Prague, Lisbon , The Isle Of Mann can still vintage trams the why is such a big problem for Blackpool
I won’t bother to come to Blackpool in that case and I won’t recommend to to my friends. Pathetic decision
I will still be moving to Blackpool. I knew this was going to happen when they opened the North Station extension. I hope they can still have the illuminations tours
Agree, it was the only reason left to visit this decaying vision of hell.
Let’s hope a solution is found soon. Blackpool won’t be the same without The Hermitage Trams. It’s one of the main reasons I visit each year.
It was only a matter of time before BPT would have to withdraw the old trams permanently and let the news ones only work on the tram lines .put the rest in a museum where they belong and not getting in the way of the new ones!!!!
I visit (or, used to visit) regularly. From my observations, the Heritage Fleet does not ‘get in the way’ of anything. What it does do is add to the uniqueness of Blackpool, and help to attract tourism. Without the tramcars, Blackpool would simply be another sad, deteriorating, dump of a seaside town.
This has been on the cards for a long time Ive been on a work shop tour at Rigby road and the workshop was emperty just one fitter He said that there used to be 14 staff in there at 1 time. It stands to Reason that if you’ve got rid of the staff one day you re going to be get rid of the trams they maintained. No trams No depot so what are they going to do with all the money we has been raised for a new roof in the depot To which they have neglected over the years because the bus deopt doesn’t need a new roof.
Blackpools Motto is profit not progress!
Adding to my previous post, my single heritage tram trip, this July, actually the heritage tram “put its foot down and really motored very rapidly”, faster than the new trams !
What about people who have paid for next week for light up tram