Northern train operator blocks dating apps from on-board WiFi

Picture of Michael Holden


Northern train operator blocks dating apps from on-board WiFi


Picture of Michael Holden


Northern train at Blackburn station. // Credit: Northern
Northern train at Blackburn station. // Credit: Northern

To keep all passengers safe under the Friendly Scheme, has announced that all dating apps have been blocked from being used when passengers use their on-board WiFi.

Under the Friendly WiFi scheme, certain apps and websites, including those associated with dating, are blocked from being used.

The scheme has strict standards that must be met, given the fact that children could be present.

Northern also blocks websites related to video streaming, gambling and file sharing services on their Wifi.

Northern’s Matt Rice explains that whilst some dating websites operate with the appropriate levels of moderation, some don’t and it is content that not all passengers want to see.

“We welcome millions of people on-board our trains every year – and access to safe and reliable internet is part and parcel of our customers’ expectations.

“Whilst some dating websites – and users – will operate with appropriate levels of self-moderation, some might not and it’s important that content not suitable for everyone to see or hear – particularly children – isn’t viewed on our trains.

“With some of the other banned categories – it’s simply about ensuring that there is sufficient bandwidth for all our customers to use while they’re on the go.

“This on-board dating app embargo aside, we wish our single customers all the best in their search for their perfect partner.”

Matt Rice, chief operating officer at Northern


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