Dog walkers issued warning as alarming Worcestershire footage is released

Victoria Thompson - Editor 6 comments 2 Min Read
Blakedown station level crossing near miss // Credit: Network Rail

CCTV footage has been released of a railway crossing which shows a dog walker ignoring the red lights and barriers.

The crossing at has both red flashing lights and double barriers to warn people when a train is coming.

However, the pedestrian is seen pushing through the barriers and crossing the railway with just seconds to spare before a Railway train can be seen coming to an emergency stop.

The incident happened on the 13th February 2024 around 10:30am but has been described as reckless by railway staff.

Natalie Stretton, head of operational risk for 's Central route, said: “There's never any excuse for this kind of reckless behaviour. The difference of just a few seconds could have led to tragedy and I can't downplay the danger they put themselves in.

“I'd like to use this video as a reminder to anyone who uses level crossings to do so safely. No matter how well you think you know a crossing, all users must obey the safety systems in place such as lights and barriers which are there to protect the communities we serve.

“When crossing the railway, I'd urge people to think about their own safety as well as the impact their actions could have on their family, the wider community and train drivers. It really isn't worth the risk.”

Jamie Ainsworth, health, safety, security and environment director at , said: “The safety of the general public, our customers and colleagues is always our priority and incidents such as this are hugely alarming which could have had catastrophic consequences.

“I hope this video will remind the public to concentrate, wait behind barriers and follow instructions at level crossings to stay safe at all times.

“Incidents like this can also have a big impact on train drivers and I urge the public to bear this in mind when using level crossings.”

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  • Total disregard for the train driver and passengers. Some passengers may have been standing ready to disembark and been thrown down due to the emergency stop, facing potential serious injuries or worse

  • I’m afraid urging these imbeciles not to do these sort of things would be as much use as me urging the weeds to stop growing in my garden!
    Catch and fine would work much better because they don’t care about what they do. Even doesn’t care about his own dog he’s that self centered.

  • Whoever that was with the dog had total disregard for the system. He either has a death wish or regards himself as indestructible. He clearly needs to be named and shamed 😡😡

    • Another great i am thinking he can do what he wants. No sympathy if he gets hit, only for the wrecked life of the train driver, who has to live with it even though it’s not his fault. Trespassing on the railway carries a £1000 fine, asnd whilst those barriers are down, he is trespassing!

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