Students travelling to school by train supported by Trenitalia c2c

Picture of Chloe White


Students travelling to school by train supported by Trenitalia c2c


Picture of Chloe White


Back to School - Travel safe with c2c
Back to School - Travel safe with c2c // Credit: c2c

Trenitalia has made a short film which will help pupils make unaccompanied journeys to school by train for the first time.

c2c Trains can see many school students travelling along with commuters and leisure travellers on its South and East route which features a good number of secondary schools on it.

The new film shows young people how to go about travelling by train including:

  • Buying a ticket
  • Getting a child
  • Checking train times
  • Travelling safely on the railway

The rail operator is also sharing the film with the schools on its route alongside advice for safe travel for students.

Parents and guardians are also encouraged to organise child Smartcards ahead of the new term, which will save time and cut the need to queue at stations. Smartcards are available for children aged between 5 and 15 years of age. To find out more, please click here.

Joe Hendry, Head of Stations, said:

“We know that for many young people, travelling on the train to school alone for the first time can be quite a daunting experience, so we hope this film will provide a level of reassurance both for parents and their children. We wish all our young students a great start to a new term.”

School on c2c route
School on c2c route // Credit: c2c

Iain Palmer, Head of Revenue Protection and Security, c2c added:

“Although crime and safety-related incidents are thankfully rare on the c2c route, talking to your children about how to stay safe on the railway and what to do in an emergency is really important.”

“It would be useful for parents to save the British Transport Police text number 61016 into their child’s phone and explain that they can text the police if they ever feel uncomfortable on their journey. Students can also talk to a member of rail staff or a police officer if they need help on a train or at a station,”



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