Two lobbying groups that want better rail connections across the border between North Wales and Cheshire have been putting their case to Members of Parliament.
Growth Track 360, a public-private lobbying group, and Transport for the North, a statutory body formed in 2018 to make the case for strategic transport improvements across the North of England, held a well-attended briefing meeting for MPs from North Wales, West Cheshire and the Wirral.

The meeting took place in the House of Commons, and gave a platform for Growth Track 360 to set out its priorities:
- investment in the North Wales Coast Mainline to improve capacity and line speeds so that North Wales Metro rail services can run every fifteen minutes with an additional express service every hour;
- transforming the Wrexham to Bidston (Borderlands) Line into a Wrexham to Liverpool service which can to access the Liverpool Central Loop Line;
- upgrading track, platform and signalling at Chester station to allow more trains to pass through the station; and
- creating HS2 hub stations at Crewe and Warrington, to enhance connectivity between North Wales and Chester with HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail.
At the meeting, MPs pressed Growth Track 360 to take strong measures to pursue these aims, including pressing harder for the electrification of the North Wales Coast Main Line.
The MPs also asked the lobby group to obtain the estimated capital costs of its priorities so that they can present the case to government ministers.
They also asked Growth Track 360 to challenge the Department for Transport’s Investment Appraisal process, which they believe is not delivering for Wales or the North of England.
Samantha Dixon MBE MP, who sponsored the meeting, raised electrification of the North Wales Coast Main Line in Welsh Questions following the meeting.
The Secretary of State for the Office for the Secretary of State for Wales gave a supportive response.
Growth Track 360’s aims are described in a YouTube video of an event in the House of Commons held by GT360 on 20 February this year.
Growth Track 360 works closely with relevant bodies, including the Welsh Government, Transport for the North, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Mersey Dee Alliance, Ambition North Wales, Transport for Wales, the West and Wales Transport Forum and the private sector.
Growth Track 360 Chair and Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council, Councillor Louise Gittins, said: “I was delighted that so many Members of Parliament came together on a cross-party basis to hear about the priorities of Growth Track 360 and how we are working with Transport for the North to deliver them.
“Growth Track 360 is committed to electrification of the North Wales Coast Main Line. This will enable HS2 services to run direct from Crewe, through Chester and onwards to Bangor and Holyhead.
“Electrification will enable faster and more efficient trains while reducing carbon emissions. It is time to move on from old fashioned diesel fleets and deliver a modern, electrified UK Rail Network as part of a green investment package to decarbonise transport.
“GT360 has written to the Transport Minister, Huw Merriman MP, seeking funds for Transport for Wales and Network Rail to undertake an urgent feasibility study into electrifying the North Wales Coast Main Line between Crewe and Holyhead.
“Despite the strong cross-party consensus in favour of rail investment in our geography, we cannot access capital funds in a reasonable timeframe because the Department for Transport’s investment appraisal system favours London and the South East. It is time to challenge those processes which are working against Union Connectivity and Levelling Up.”
Growth Track 360 Vice Chair and Leader of Flintshire Council, Councillor Ian Roberts, said: “I welcome the support of Members of Parliament for electrification of the North Wales Coast Main Line.
“I am disappointed that capital funds have not yet been allocated to deliver Growth Track 360 priorities. There are two barriers to accessing funding:
“1. An overall shortage of funds, with too many projects chasing too few funds
“2. A flawed investment appraisal process that directs most of what is available to London and the South East
“To make more money available for investment in the Wales and Borders geography, I support the Welsh Government’s call for Barnett Consequentials for Wales from the HS2 project. This is the most efficient and direct way to obtain funding for electrifying the North Wales Coast Mainline and delivering the North Wales and Chester priorities.
“The investment appraisal process must also be reviewed with the English Regions and Devolved Administrations invited to give evidence on how the process can be made fairer. Fairer distribution of capital to Wales and the North of England aligns with the Government’s policy priorities of Levelling Up and Union Connectivity.”
Ashley Rogers, GT360 Business Representative, Chief Executive of the North Wales Mersey Dee Business Council, said: “All of Growth Track 360’s priorities enhance Union Connectivity. North Wales and Chester are major UK and international tourism destinations with many tourists travelling from Manchester Airport and the North West to North Wales. Growth Track hopes that the Government will respond positively to the Union Connectivity Review and allocate capital funds to make schemes happen.
“Climate Change requires urgent action to reduce carbon emissions in the transport sector. Electrification and better public transport will give travellers a low carbon option for travelling within and to North Wales and Chester.”
The North Wales Coast line may benefit from electrification, but it’s a long way down the list of improvements required, which are in order of priority:
1. An all-day all-week fast service to Crewe to connect with the rest of the UK
2. Linespeed upgrades to 100 mph throughout
3. Signalling upgrades to enable the above
What a load of twaddle !! Before talking of investment and growth we need to sort out the hear and now !! That is the the disgraceful company “Transport For Wales ” It is useless and has just staggered from crisis to crisis from Autumn 2018. Has not got a clue what is doing and is failing Welsh Public Terribly !!!! The conference should have been on the failings taking place now before future ideas are on the table !!! OR was this a smoke screen to hide the truth !!