Welsh Highland Heritage Railway becomes permanent owner of steam locomotive No. 794

Picture of Chloe White


Welsh Highland Heritage Railway becomes permanent owner of steam locomotive No. 794


Picture of Chloe White


590 at Harbour Station, Porthmadog
590 at Harbour Station, Porthmadog // Credit: J. E. Simpson (WHR Collection)

The Imperial War Museum has revealed that it has permanently transferred ownership of Baldwin Locomotive WDLR 794 to the Ltd in .

The locomotive is currently on long-term loan from the museums as part of a continuing review of its collections alongside further consultation from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport as it is felt the heritage railway makes the most appropriate long-term home for 794.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia, built the locomotive in January 1917 and was numbered 44699 and renumbered on arriving in Europe and renumbered as WDLR 794 by the Railway Operating Division. 495 of the Baldwin class 10-12-D class were shipped to Europe, 9 of which were lost in transit, on arrival the locomotives supported WW1 trench lines.

After the war, 50 of the class were moved to India where they were used in defending the Afghan border after the 3rd Afghan War. Later, the locomotives were sold for industrial use in India and this is where WDLR 794 ended its career working for the Upper India Sugar Mills in Khatauli.

1985 Saw the Imperial War Museum repatriate WDLR 794 to the UK where it was displayed at the IWM Duxford. The locomotive did see some initial refurbishment work begin however a more substantial restoration did not get underway until 2003 after the locomotive was placed on long-term loan with the Welsh Highland Railway Ltd owner of the in Porthmadog.

An extensive fundraising campaign was put in place in order to see WDLR 794’s refurbishment which has now reached its final stages over a 14-year programme of work by specialist engineers and contractors:

  • Graham Morris Engineering Ltd
  • Israel Newton & Sons Ltd
  • The Vale of Rheidol Trading Ltd

It is anticipated that the locomotive will be unveiled to donors and supporters of the West Highland Heritage Railway this spring!

The original Welsh Highland Railway opened in 1923 and saw the purchase of WDLR 794 sister locomotive WDLR 590 from the Government Property Disposals Board as War Department surplus. WDLR 590 worked on the railway with locomotive ‘Russell’ No 901 where both of the locomotives operated goods and passenger services on the railway until it was closed during the Summer of 1936.

Russell stands at Dinas
Russell stands at Dinas // Credit RailAdvent

‘Russell’ is still operating in preservation to this day with the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway, however, WDLR 590 was sadly scrapped as part of the Government’s WW2 scrap drive. As 590 was a large part of the Welsh Highland scene during the 1930s it has been an ongoing ambition of the Welsh Highland Railway Ltd to re-create the locomotive so that visitors can enjoy the pair of locomotives hard at work together again. The incredible opportunity for WDLR 795’s long-term loan will allow this to become a reality as permission has been received from the Imperial War Museum to refurbish 794 as 590 and once this work is complete will see 590 back on the tracks at the railway once again!


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