Rail industry responds to RMT’s “overwhelming” support for action against Network Rail and 15 rail operators

Victoria Thompson - Editor 7 comments 5 Min Read
Credit: RailAdvent

and the Rail Delivery Group have both responded after it was revealed by the last night that workers have “overwhelmingly” voted in favour of further action.

RMT says that this is the biggest endorsement by workers since privatisation.

The Union says that 71% of the 40,000 members took part in the vote, with 89% voting in favour of taking further action.

Members from Network Rail, Chiltern Railways, Cross Country Trains, Greater Anglia, LNER, East Midlands Railway, , Great Western Railway, , South Eastern, South Western Railway, Avanti West Coast and West Midlands Trains voted in favour of strike action and action short of strike.

Meanwhile, members from Govia Thameslink Railway voted in favour of action short of a strike.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch: “Today's overwhelming endorsement by railway workers is a vindication of the union's approach and sends a clear message that members want a decent pay rise, job security and no compulsory redundancies.

“Our NEC will now meet to discuss a timetable for strike action from mid-June, but we sincerely hope ministers will encourage the employers to return to the negotiating table and hammer out a reasonable settlement with the RMT.”

However, the news hasnt gone down well with the industry, with Andrew Haines, Network Rail's Chief Executive saying that the RMT union had “jumped the gun” and said that they urged RMT to “talk, not walk”.

In his statement, Andrew Haines said “The RMT has jumped the gun here as everyone loses if there's a strike. We know our people are concerned about job security and pay. As a public body we have been working on offering a pay increase that taxpayers can afford, and we continue to discuss this with our trades unions. We urge the RMT to sit down with us and continue to talk, not walk, so that we can find a compromise and avoid damaging industrial action.

“We are at a key point in the railway's recovery from the pandemic. The taxpayer has provided the industry with £16bn worth of additional life support over the last two years and that cannot continue. Travel habits have changed forever and the railway has to change as well to adapt to this new reality. We believe that by modernising – creating safer jobs for our people and operating the railway more efficiently – we can build a sustainable future with a railway that delivers for passengers and taxpayers.

“Any industrial action now would be disastrous for our industry's recovery and would hugely impact vital supply and freight chains. It would also serve to undermine our collective ability to afford the pay increases we want to make.”

Network Rail also said that if a strike was to occur, it would cost them £30m a day, which it says undermines their ability to afford pay increases.

The Rail Industry has responded to the news, saying that the RMT Union has been premature with its announcement.

Commenting on the ballot announcement, Rail Delivery Group Chair, Steve Montgomery said:  “Our railways must adapt to attract more passengers back and reduce our running costs. It is not fair to ask taxpayers to continue to shoulder the burden when there are other vital services that need public support.

“Nobody wins when industrial action threatens to disrupt the lives and livelihoods of passengers and businesses and puts the industry's recovery at risk. We urge the RMT leadership to behave responsibly, and to talk to us to find a way to avoid damaging industrial action and secure the long-term future of the industry.”

On pay, RDG Chair Steve Montgomery said:  “Every business wants to support its staff and the railway is no exception. All train operators want to offer their staff a pay rise and are working hard to make that happen. But, as an industry, we have to change our ways of working and improve productivity to help pay our own way – the alternatives of asking taxpayers to shoulder the burden after government has contributed over £16bn to the industry during covid or asking passengers to pay even higher fares when they too are feeling the pinch, simply isn't fair.”

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  • Also missed out Transpennine Express, Transport for Wales, Southeastern and TfL London Overground and Elizabeth Line (TfL Rail). And Heathrow Express as well.

  • I make no apologies for adding a further comment.The media utterances recently show that the union leadership are extremely left wing luddites who seem to Ave no respect for the taxpayers, rail passengers, the Country etc,etc,etc.
    Covid changed everything. If this Country has any future for rail the Govrrnment must take tough action,soon.We cannot let these nutters wreck our rail system.

  • When one of the unions officers was in the press saying rail workers are more entitled than COVID nurses, to me they lost all respects.

  • I understand everyone wanting more pay at the moment so do I but they need to understand a lot of people earn a lot less than they do and asking for 11% at this time is unreasonable and they’re not going to get that, the only thing that will happen is that they will lose more customers then more staff will lose their jobs, a strike in July would mean me having to cancel a holiday this year and if that happens I won’t use the rail network again

  • Well Mr Haines you like Northern Trains have got it wrong there. Northern trains reduce a commuter service into Leeds from hourly to two hourly to increase the service to Bridlington. Few passengers using it and commuters up in arms. No, people want to get back to work but actions like this will change their habits but not through their choice.

  • The Government supported the rail industry during Covid to tune of billions of pounds and has invested millions in Elizabeth line, HS2, East West rail , New trains etc.The rail workers have good secure jobs and cannot expect their condition to stay same forever. They look on railway as something they can exploit to their own advantage. They are putting the future of railways in jepody and will effect the Country adversely.

  • Once again, the unions are doing their best to destroy their own jobs.

    If carried through, this strike will lead to:
    > cuts in Treasury support for the rail industry
    > more commuters and employers opting for alternatives to office working
    > serious reputational damage in the discretionary leisure travel sector (the only growth area available)
    > acceleration of one-man train operation and complete automation
    > a return to outsourcing maintenance and other jobs to the non-rail sector.

    It’s really hard to support the railways when these poisonous old dinosaurs, who earn, on average, considerably more than the people they supposedly ‘serve’, seem to think the world owes them a living. It doesn’t.

    My message to the would-be strikers: if you don’t like the pay & conditions of your present job, find another one, just like the rest of us do.

    But you won’t, because no one else will kowtow to you like the rail industry does.

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