Revealed: Shocking injuries of train driver hit by a brick at 70mph

Picture of Roger Smith


Revealed: Shocking injuries of train driver hit by a brick at 70mph


Picture of Roger Smith


Ian Birch - Injuries
Credit: Northern

The shocking injuries suffered by a train driver, when the cab window of his train was shattered by a brick thrown by vandals at Clifton in , have been revealed.

The incident happened as the train was travelling at 70 mph on Friday, 4th February. The driver, Ian Birch, who works for Trains at their base in , was left with cuts to his face as a result.

Miraculously, Mr. Birch was able to bring the train to a halt safely. He praised the response of a doctor who was fortunately travelling on-board his train and was able to administer immediate first aid.

Despite appeals for information from Northern and , no arrests have yet been made.

Ian Birch - Back to work
Driver Ian Birch , now back at work. Credit: Northern.

Speaking now that he has returned to work, Ian Birch said: “I want the people who did this to see the impact of their actions. I could have been blinded or even killed.

“Someone knows who threw that brick and I urge them to come forward to help ensure the person responsible doesn’t have the chance to endanger more lives with their reckless behaviour.”

Anyone with information can contact BTP by texting 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40. Alternatively, people can call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.


  1. The assailant must be caught, prosecuted and (hopefully) jailed – for attempted murder. As Mr Birch says, someone knows who the criminal is – but like the low-life who committed the crime, is too much of a coward to do the decent thing and help to remove the thug from society.

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