Network Rail gets behind local tree planting initiative in Perthshire

Picture of Chloe White


Network Rail gets behind local tree planting initiative in Perthshire


Picture of Chloe White


Allen water tree planting
Credit: Network Rail

The tree planting initiative has seen 2,000 native trees and shrubs planted.

The £16,000 grant was made available via national conservation charity The Tree Council, and saw the planting carried out as part of the Allan Water Improvement Project which is part of a scheme being undertaken by Forth Rivers Trust with the aim of reviving the river and its connecting habitats as part of a bid to support the wider landscape. The planting saw local volunteers and businesses on the land made available by Blackford Farms.

The planting took place on the Danny Burn which is a tributary of the Allan Water which is located just south of the A9 and hopes to form new habitats connecting the fragmented habitats of the banks of the upper Allan Water.

Allen water tree planting

The project provided a great opportunity to plant native trees and shrubs with local people and is hoped to bring future benefits such as improvements in water quality, create improved weather resilience along with climate change adaptation positives.

The work carried out will also support possible flooding issues downstream of Blackford village at the location of the A9 and Scottish Central Mainline railway which has previously seen flooding.

James Morrison, Senior Asset Engineer, Network Rail said:

“This project offers a range of practical and environmental benefits – including helping to mitigate the impact of flooding on the railway further downstream.

“Replanting will capture carbon, add biodiversity and over time will improve bank stability on the water course. This will help improve water quality and enhance the habitat for fish, birds, insects and for beavers and other animal species like foraging bats.

“The initiative shows that planting in the right places, even on a relatively small scale can make a really positive impact and make a big difference.”

Sara Lom, Chief Executive Officer of The Tree Council, said:

“It is fantastic to support the community of the Upper Allan catchment to make a real difference to their . This is exactly what Network Rail’s pledge set out to achieve, and in this case has the added advantage of reducing the risks of flooding – something so important with the changing climate.

“The Tree Council has had relationships with volunteers in for over 30 years, and it is a delight to be able to support this initiative’.




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