Public-access defibrillators installed at railway stations in North Yorkshire

Picture of Roger Smith


Public-access defibrillators installed at railway stations in North Yorkshire


Picture of Roger Smith


Defibrillator Instilled at a station
Credit: Northern

Public-access defibrillators have been installed Clapham and Bentham railway stations in .

Early in 2020 both Clapham-cum-Newby Parish Council and the Friends of Bentham Station (FOBS) suggested to the -Morecambe Community Rail Partnership (LMCRP) public-access defibrillators should be installed at their stations.

The LMCRP supported the request and offered to meet the costs to install the defibrillator safes and the appropriate electrical connections. Trains, the line’s train operator, welcomed the proposal through Northern’s East Area Stakeholder Team.

Both installations extend the number of defibrillators within the two parishes. As well as supporting residents and visitors within the local communities, they provide support to passengers and staff who travel along the Bentham Line.

Funds for the defibrillators and their waterproof enclosures were obtained through community initiatives. Clapham’s funds were raised through an initiative organised by the Parish Council, while FOBS appealed to local Bentham residents to raise their funds.

Takings from FOBS’ annual Coffee Morning at Bentham Town Hall were donated to the initiative, as well as contributions from a local Quiz and Pie and Peas Supper evening, brought the total raised to well over £1,200. Generous donations also boosted funds for the project from several individuals and another local charity.

Defibrillator Instilled at a station


The LMCRP would like to thank Northern and ISS for their help in arranging and undertaking the installations and electrical connections. The Clapham unit was installed in January this year, and is on the platform fence on the car park side. The Bentham defibrillator was installed at the beginning of March, on the wall adjacent to the main entrance on the Leeds platform. The ‘What3Words’ location for Bentham, is ‘becomes.digs.situates’ and for Clapham, ‘puns.resources.vets’.

Defibrillator Instilled at a station
Credit: Northern

Access to the defibrillators is gained via an emergency 999 call which will also alert the ambulance service.

Weekly inspections of the defibrillators and their heated safes will be overseen by FOBS and Clapham Parish Council, who will also be raising further funding for replacement batteries, contact pads, and other supplies for the operation of the machines. They will also raise awareness of the defibrillators, and encourage residents and rail staff to undergo training in their use.

Colin Price, Chairman of Clapham-cum-Newby Parish Council, commented, “This is a great outcome when the Parish Council can work with the Community Rail Partnership alongside Northern and ISS, as we are so fortunate to have a railway station and a good efficient service”.

Gerald Townson, Chairman of FOBS and the LMCRP, added: “It is always extremely pleasing to see projects develop by the efforts of volunteers from within the communities along the line and consequently place a local emphasis on the work. A big thank you to all who have helped and supported these initiatives.”

There are already defibrillators at , Skipton, and Leeds stations, and within a short distance of Clapham and Bentham at Wennington and stations. The LMCRP would like to see a chain of defibrillators linking communities along the line. If any voluntary organisation or council within the parishes served by the Bentham Line wish to introduce a defibrillator at their station, they should contact the LMCRP at [email protected] or telephone: 015242 98940.


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