LMS Patriot Project release their latest update

Picture of Chloe White


LMS Patriot Project release their latest update


Picture of Chloe White


Steam Loco The Unknown Warrior stands outside awaiting transport to Warley
Credit: LMS Patriot Project

The December Monthly Members Bulletin for reports a successful Christmas period with good progress made.

Following a thorough investigation working alongside Boro Foundry, a conclusion has been drawn that the driving wheels cannot be repaired to the necessary standard.

Settlement terms have been formed with Boro Foundry who sadly are no longer able to carry out a cast of the type needed.

Negotiations with William Cook Cast Products are currently underway for the procurement of new wheels with the original wheel patterns being reserved for collection from Tyesley Locomotive Works for this purpose.

The West Shed has been closed over the Christmas period with The (PRLCT) seeing 6233 Duchess of Sutherland working on unscheduled successful main-line runs throughout December 2021.

Materials have been ordered and received for frame shot blasting treatment commencing in the new year.

The safety valves have now been finished by Locomotive Maintenance Services in Loughborough and have been moved to the West Shed.

(HBSS) have also finished the boiler slide work, and are currently moving forward with the fitting of the transverse stays.

Work has been carried out behind the scenes with 5 other steam locomotive projects in order to organise a joint workshop session which will be held on Wednesday the 26th of  January 2022.

The session will be focused on risk assessment work which can then be applied generically for new build and major restoration projects which are set to work on the mainline.


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  1. Yet again another false start more hands in the pie creaming funds off, If I was funding this joke Get Out !! Well bad management very poor engineering costs running out of control !! Of all the replica schemes this is the dead duck !!! If your wise stay away !!

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