Black 5 No. 45212 arrives home at the KWVR

Picture of Michael Holden


Black 5 No. 45212 arrives home at the KWVR


Picture of Michael Holden


A long restoration by Riley & Son Ltd, Bury, has been completed on No. 45212, which is a resident locomotive at the KWVR.

The locomotive will only be at the KWVR for a limited amount of time, this will enable the locomotive to be painted, and a final “run-in”, before returning to Rileys & Son for final preparation before the locomotive will finally return to the mainline.

The locomotive and tender arrived at Ingrow West last Wednesday, before the locomotive was moved up the line to Haworth the following day.

Thanks to the KWVR for the pictures

No. 45212 at Oakworth
Credit: James Horwell / KWVR

[KWVR] No. 45212 arrives at Haworth Sheds
Credit: Trevor Gower / KWVR
[KWVR] No. 45212 arrives at Ingrow West
Credit: Trevor Gower / KWVR




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