As the morning draws to a close, we hope that you have enjoyed the blogging so far, but this page is getting quite long, Click Here and join us for part 2 of our live blog
5820 and 85 Double head the train to Oxenhope, seen here arriving at Oakworth

No 85 and 5820 can be seen working hard leaving Keighley,

We should get another picture of them at Oakworth shortly
Don’t forget, the Winter Steam Gala is on throughout today and all day tomorrow, see the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway website for more information.
Here is 43924 arriving at Oakworth, and ‘parked’ on the crossing whilst the passengers alight.

Just before they arrived at Damems, 43924 passed through bound for Oxenhope

And the pair are seen here leaving Damems

Meanwhile back at Oakworth, 85 and 5820 double head the next train to Keighley

Here is a nice picture of the station at Damems, not a train in sight 🙂 The station is famous for featuring in the TV Series Born & Bred

Meanwhile at Damems, 43924 and 1054 depart for Keighley,

5820 arrives at Oakworth bound for Oxenhope

Such a long train, that 1054 hasn’t even made it to the crossing
It does make it eventually as the train leaves…
The Jubilee Bar in the middle of the long train

No. 43924 Arrives at Oakworth bound for Keighley with 1054 on the rear

Loco 1054 Arrives at Oxenhope

Here is a picture of 5820 at Oakworth Level Crossing, just before it passes 1054 as shown in the post below

Just prior to arriving at Oakworth, 1054 passes 5820 at the Loop just above Damems station

1054 arrives at Oakworth with the Vintage Carriage set

1054 all ready to depart Keighley with the first train at 09:00

1054 at Ingrow, collecting the carriages for the first trip from Keighley

And here is another shot at Haworth

Time to go find some carriages!
As promised, a picture of the lineup at Haworth
A whole array of engines in steam at Haworth, all ready for the busy day ahead, picture to follow shortly.
Saturday 07:42
We have arrived!
All quiet and sleepy yet at Oxenhope, off to find some loco’s at Haworth next
Friday 20:35
That’s all the posts for this evening. Join us again tomorrow morning around 7am, when we will begin our live blog of the days events.
Friday 20:11
If your planning on visiting the KWVR Gala tomorrow or on Sunday, then you can download the full working timetable with details of all the trains here
Friday 20:00
With around 12 hours to go until the first movements of the day, we are very much looking forward to the event, and a first for us, blogging about it, as the day unfolds!